This might be especially true for little treats like a decent party wine.
At Cana, her son is like a stranger, "oddly formal and grand, " who seems to perform a wine-based party trick in front of drunks.
Check in: It's hard to shake the Agatha Christie vibe at the windswept inn, what with the grandfather clock ominously stopped at 4:20, a house dog named Winston, and a Friday-night wine and cheese party where you meet the other suspects, ahem, guests.
Early shows like Wine Cellar and Garden Party aired multiple times a day as Lowe built up his library.
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For example, I know nothing about wine, so when I buy wine for a dinner party I determine the value solely on price.
Rather, it was the maid sweeping up the crumbs, feathers and empty wine bottles long after the party had moved on elsewhere.
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Locations are shared online 24 hours before the event, whereupon attendees step into a themed party, filled with performances and flowing wine.
More recently, however, those laurels have fallen on wine alone, as a dinner party offering or holiday toast.
Since reds are more delicate and sensitive to flight, Moorfield admits that the Economy Class offerings can't compare with a glass at a wine-buff's dinner party.
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Buying wine for the holiday season can be fiendishly complicated, as one has to balance the pressures of serving wine on its own or for a drinks party, or merely having something in the fridge when the neighbors pop round for a drink.
As an editor at Wine Spectator magazine at the time of the Salahis' party, I was contacted by a zealous publicist for the couple, desperate to have me write about it--particularly the grand denouement, in which several UPS deliverymen took the stage to deliver Mr. Salahi some wine.
Spanning the weekends before and after Feb. 29, the celebration will include an ice hockey game, wine tasting, craft show, concert and carnival, and a parade, party and reception on leap day.
Hiroshi Mikitani is holding a glass of red wine and chatting up a clique of Silicon Valley tech execs at a swanky party for Pinterest, one of the hottest startups in social media.
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Because once the dinner party gets rolling, and all those Gen-X wives settle onto the couch with their white wine, your buddies are going to want to join you in the kitchen, hogging all the fun.
He was under a cupboard, sound asleep, and one had only to sniff at him to understand that he had wandered thirsty from bed to the kitchen and drunk at length from the wine bowl instead of the water bowl, and perhaps had had a solitary toddling drunken party all his own before hiding himself away to sleep.
In 2005 the Salahis, as owners of a small Virginia winery, threw a party to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized direct-to-consumer interstate wine shipping.