They caught sight of the asteroid after its last pass, at a far greater distance.
"I would oftentimes be so out of breath that I would almost pass out, " he said.
Approximately three dozen animated characters, like Dumbo, pass by the portholes throughout the day.
She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband and five children.
Two yaks looked on with expressions that probably pass, in the yak world, for unabashed admiration.
If it comes to pass, it would forbid all imports of beluga sturgeon products.
Male Chorus: (Singing) It was a lover and his lass, that o'er the green cornfield did pass.
Under Indonesia's new bank rules, DBS will also have to pass three financial tests over 18 months.
Instead of tollbooths London is using digital cameras that snap license plate photos as vehicles pass underneath.
With hopes dimming that Kaiba would survive, doctors tried the medical equivalent of a "Hail Mary" pass.
It takes the colony 20 minutes to complete the pass, while their deafening chirps engulf the night sky.
We continued our climb towards our final pass at Jashyl-Kol, where the mountains were black and glaciers loomed.
BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan
They may even use harmless bacteria as a transport link to arm other harmful bugs that pass by.
Some greet each other as they pass in opposite directions or ring their bells at cars driving alongside.
An asset class must pass all three tests to be included in a portfolio.
And as Wal-Mart continues to expand, other cities may well pass similar big-box laws.
Why give a pass to taxpayers who go through some ritual involving a make-believe "exchange"?
They pass through peelers and hit the rotary slicers metal cylinders with sharpened blades around the edges.
The council said it was hopeful the Horseshoe Pass will be cleared later on Monday.
Do you think the health care debate sort of damages the landscape for that to pass?
His minions would make new laws even if the Councils did not pass them.
Nobody suggests all will come to pass, but the catalogue offers food for thought.
Like smaller businesses, a healthy majority of middle market companies are organized as pass-through entities.
FORBES: The Hidden 33%: How Mid-Sized Companies Are Hit Hardest By Tax Hikes
The bill is expected to pass easily, and move on to the House of Representatives.
This modular approach will in large part determine whether VW can pass Toyota or GM.
Money manager says airliners will continue to pass on rising costs- and consumers will adjust.
The amendment required 60 votes to pass but fell short in a 54-45 vote.
New sunscreen labels in effect this year require a pass-fail test for UVA and UVB protection.
The minister said he appreciated Mr Donaghy's "agreement to pass the baton to the new team".
And, like Blondy and me at the movies, many weeks could pass between encounters.