• After a Westwood burst to the line which fell just short, the ball was transferred rapidly down the line, Briers' long pass freeing King, who stepped back inside, fed Hicks and the Aussie winger dived over.

    BBC: Leeds 6-30 Warrington

  • Richard Fussell should have scored just after the break after Lee Byrne kept in Biggar's long, floating pass but the Ospreys wing could not touch the ball down after barging over the line.

    BBC: Heineken Cup: Ospreys 29-17 Toulon

  • Next morning we start out on a trail through a slightly elevated, dense beech forest, which rises, during a hike of seven or eight hours, over the tree line and 3, 500-foot-high Mackinnon Pass, then down the other side.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ospreys enjoyed the majority of territory and possession and should have scored their second try when Jerry Collins bore down on the line but a misplaced pass saw the opportunity pass.

    BBC: Leinster 12-17 Ospreys

  • Later in the game, he scored himself after receiving a pass close to the line and smashing through three Irish defenders before touching down.

    WSJ: Wales Unleashes Its Behemoths

  • The Samoans did get some reward for their tireless efforts as a brilliant short pass by Jerry Meafou released Williams, who broke the Springbok line to touch down.

    CNN: Montgomery inspires South Africans

  • Hull KR's best moment came when Jake Webster intercepted Sean Long's pass, but Pryce used his pace to haul the winger down on the half-way line, much to the delight of the Knowsley Road faithful.

    BBC: St Helens 52-10 Hull KR

  • He also hit Jones for a 56-yard touchdown pass, where the wide-open receiver fell down catching the ball at the 8-yard line, got up and evaded one defender before sprinting into the end zone.

    CNN: Ravens fly high, win Super Bowl

  • Latching onto a cleverly disguised inside pass from fly-half Butch James, he outpaced the cover to touch down as he was caught on the line.

    BBC: Bath 16-13 Leeds

  • The flanker ran on to Agulla's pass, burst through the Scottish defence and appeared to have fallen just short of the line with his touch down.

    BBC: Argentina 16-24 Scotland

  • In between, Glasgow had almost stunned the home side after Sean Lamont intercepted a Jenkins pass on his own 22 and raced upfield, only for Aisea Havili to drag the wing down short of the Warriors line.

    BBC: Celtic Warriors 9-19 Glasgow

  • Warrington made an encouraging start to the second half with Rob Parker hauled down just short of the line by Stephen Wild, but seconds later Jensen gathered Mark Gleeson's pass and went the length the pitch to score.

    BBC: Warrington 22-34 Huddersfield

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