He sent in a formation that looked like a run two tight ends and three running backs but signaled a pass to quarterback Tom Clements.
But the last word went to Gloucester and Robinson, who picked off another questionable pass - this time from Tom Cheeseman - to score a try he comfortably converted.
And they profited from the man advantage with a sweeping move to take the lead, Flutey's dynamic break and Tom Voyce's pass allowing lock Skivington to stretch over.
The Falcons went up a gear and Tom May popped a pass to Russell Winter and the big number eight surged away before slipping the ball to Parling to score in the corner, Wilkinson thumping over the conversion for a 10-7 lead.
And in 2004's AFC title game, an epic fumble by Pittsburgh's Jerome Bettis led to a 60-yard touchdown pass by Tom Brady, setting the tone for a 41-27 New England beating.
WSJ: New England Running Back BenJarvus Green-Ellis Has Zero Fumbles in the NFL
"It was not only not humane to give Sandusky a pass, but inhumane towards young men who fell prey to him, " said attorney Tom Kline, who represents Victim 5.
His fourth followed shortly afterwards as he raced on to Tom Huddlestone's raking lofted pass from defence, turned and hooked a left-footed drive into the bottom corner.
David Bentley then fired a low 20-yard volley inches wide, while Bent volleyed tamely at Mark Schwarzer having squeezed between the two central defenders to reach Tom Huddlestone's raking pass.
And at the end of the game, when the Giants looked like they had a chance, Tom Brady, through the long pass to Randy Moss - it was after Moss had dropped (unintelligible) before.
Unlike his elder brother Tatsuo, who studied prodigiously in order to pass the Japanese bar exam, Shigeta was a Tom Sawyer type.
Tom Guest provided the final pass for Amesbury to cross after eight minutes, but a long-range penalty from Barnes quickly reduced the arrears.
Wales had the first sniff of the second period as they created space on the right for Tom Shanklin to race up field, but the move eventually broke down when wing Tom James was unable to hang onto a pass fractionally behind him.
Oliech then went from provider to scorer three minutes later, running onto a Tom Juma pass and netting as the Malawi defence simply melted away.
Bristol ignored Wasps' swagger and hit back in spectacular fashion when Tom Arscott straightened his line to crash over from a short pass from brother Luke.
So a group of fiscally conservative Republican senators - headed by Oklahoma's Tom Coburn - decided to prevent the one spending bill the Senate did pass in the lame-duck from moving forward.
Senate Democatic Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota pointed out that cooperation is the only way to pass anything.
When Tom became the only Holocaust survivor elected to Congress ever, she helped him pass legislation making Wallenberg the second honorary citizen of the United States after Winston Churchill, hoping it would expand our ability to find out what happened to him.
Tom Bliley, head of the House committee through which it must pass, is keen to complete a bill within a month.