"Staffordshire can't afford to pass up the opportunity to rebuild its schools despite the blackmail, " he told the conference.
Today we don't intend to pass up the opportunity of the new economy.
"I couldn't pass up the opportunity to remake an iconic brand, " says Jarvis, 43, a skinny Brit with a huge dollop of energy.
Keane, who has supported Liverpool since he was a child, said he could not pass up the opportunity of joining the Anfield giants.
He is also the last Liberal prime minister, and Welsh Liberal Democrats at Westminster were determined not to pass up the opportunity to celebrate.
What skilled person in an athletic discipline would pass up an opportunity to test his or her talent against an equally proficient global field?
The cable companies would be reluctant to pass up an opportunity to increase their ownership in the channel because it is profitable, the people say.
Finally, we can't pass up the opportunity to thank iTV for setting the vision that has guided us all to the interactive TV wonder we know as Ben-o-Vision.
What seems certain is that - whatever role Mr Blair decides to take on - he will not pass up the opportunity to make some serious money at last.
Sir Digby once called the unions "increasingly irrelevant", but when he was appointed by Mr Brown he said, despite past criticism of the government, it would be wrong to pass up the opportunity to help put business at the heart of a new administration.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | MPs laugh about 'Comrade Digby'
And I would add, how tragic that young Japanese are willing to pass up such an opportunity.
They also wanted to see how much money participants would pass up for an opportunity to talk about themselves.
FORBES: Social Media Taps Into Our Most Primal Urge: Talking About Ourselves
When Jennie received an offer to relocate to the field office in Rabat, we decided not to pass up the one opportunity to live in a country where our interests might overlap.
Indeed people did pass up money just for the opportunity to talk about themselves.
FORBES: Social Media Taps Into Our Most Primal Urge: Talking About Ourselves
I'm a golfer, first and foremost, but spending one day every few months to create a video that raises money for charity and might grow the game is too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Yet most developers agree on one point: Developing for the iPhone, which has sold 4 million units since its late-June 2007 launch and quickly grabbed a leading share of mobile Internet traffic, is too great an opportunity to pass up.
This all seemed worryingly familiar, but it was a job, and an opportunity I couldn't pass up.
Roberto Maroni, leader of the Northern League, has said the possibility of Berlusconi becoming prime minister is explicitly ruled out by the electoral pact between the parties, but the former premier has repeatedly said he plays to win, and observers believe he is unlikely to pass up the chance to lead the country again if the opportunity presents itself.
The opportunity to do something new, earn income, yet maintain flexibility, was too good to pass up.
FORBES: Stay-At-Home Parents Choose to Start Businesses Instead of Returning to Work