Government support for developing new passenger aircraft first emerged as a contentious issue in 1988.
ECONOMIST: Boeing gets huge illegal subsidies, the WTO rules
Any sort of unauthorized flight near JFK poses a threat, since they could collide with a passenger aircraft.
The study will examine the possibility of extending the 771m (2, 530ft) strip so it can better accommodate passenger aircraft.
When the Airbus A380 enters service it will become the second-largest plane in the world and largest passenger aircraft.
The airport was also considered the first to have infrastructure compatible with the colossal Airbus A380 -- the biggest passenger aircraft flying today.
But they tended to be far smaller than commercial passenger aircraft.
It said the industry must respond to opportunities for both a demand for greener aircraft, and a forecast for 27, 000 new passenger aircraft and 40, 000 commercial helicopters.
To put all of the above information into perspective, we created a map of the countries showing the most troublesome accident records for commercial passenger aircraft.
Unmanned aerial systems, sometimes called drones, and other remote-controlled planes could pose a risk to larger passenger aircraft if they collided or were sucked into an engine.
Running mostly on Blaugas, occasionally on gasoline, the airship circled the Earth in 1929, stopping only twice to refuel-the first transit of the globe by a passenger aircraft.
Running mostly on Blaugas, occasionally on gasoline, the airship circled the Earth in 1929, stopping only twice to refuel--the first transit of the globe by a passenger aircraft.
The third such incident was on 22 June near Bournemouth airport when an ATR 72 passenger aircraft and another Piper came within 400 yards horizontally of each other.
Air freight offers speed for the 40% of the world's trade (by value) that travels in cargo flights or in the hold of passenger aircraft, but it costs ten times more than sea transport.
In the late 1980s Libya fell under international sanctions after Mr Qaddafi was charged with sponsoring the mid-air bombing of two passenger aircraft, French and American, with the loss of more than 400 lives.
The demand for larger-scale private and corporate jets has been such that the major aircraft manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing, now offer modified versions of their passenger aircraft -- the Boeing BBJ (Boeing Business Jet) and Airbus CJ (Corporate Jet).
In this case, the video shows the 747 in a steep (significantly steeper than the climb of most passenger aircraft taking off from civilian airports), slow climb, then the climb stops and the aircraft rolls over on its wing and crashes in a fiery ball on impact.
FORBES: Deadly 747 Cargo Stall Unlikely In Passenger Airline
Up to 192 mobiles can be logged on to an Access Point, which more than covers every passenger onboard the aircraft.
ENGADGET: Bluetooth Access Point brings text messaging, voice messaging, email to the friendly skies
As the range and passenger load of aircraft grow, so does the importance of international hub airports such as London's Heathrow.
Sometimes this might mean using a passenger mask - aircraft usually have one more per row than there are seats, so that travellers with babies on laps have a spare.
Joel McNicholls, 20, was the only passenger in the light aircraft which hit houses in Salford, in July 2011.
In 1920, the first fatalities on a scheduled passenger flight occurred when an aircraft crashed into a house, killing the two-person crew and two passengers at Cricklewood, London.
Embraer makes everything from military aircraft to regional passenger jets.
Russian pilots have safely landed a passenger plane in Siberia after the aircraft lost power at 10, 600m (34, 800ft).
The twin-engine 250 passenger 787 Dreamliner is the first commercial aircraft to use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
FORBES: Boeing's 787 Dreamliner Public Relations Nightmare: A Battery Of Problems
Japan had authorized passenger airlines to resume flying the embattled aircraft in the country starting Friday, authorities said.
This week Japan authorized passenger airlines to resume flying the embattled aircraft in the country starting Friday, officials said.
It also includes times when a pilot requested law enforcement to meet the aircraft because of an unruly passenger.