This month, Star Cruises brings a 2, 800-passenger ship on a weekly stop in Danang.
Very occasionally inspectors have prevented a single passenger ship from operating - on two or three occasions in the last 20 years.
As everyone knows the British luxury passenger ship on its maiden voyage struck an iceberg sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912.
The massive passenger ship Costa Concordia struck rocks and rolled onto its side in shallow water off an island on Italy's Tuscan coast on January 13.
That new guidance includes the introduction of onboard stability computers, new free-fall lifeboats and the establishment of appropriate minimum levels for staffing qualified mariners on board each passenger ship.
Musicians and fans are all on board the 3, 000-passenger cruise ship Poesia for a five-night rock cruise through the Caribbean.
Randi Humborstad, project leader at Nordfjord Vekst, the organisation behind the tunnel plans, cites a 161-passenger cruise ship that was almost shipwrecked in 2004 as further evidence of the area's fierce conditions.
It was day two of our voyage aboard the National Geographic Endeavor, a 96-passenger expedition ship that sails 10-day itineraries around the 13 major, and many smaller, islands that span the Equator.
He also said only one serious violent crime against a tourist -- a cruise-ship passenger -- occurred last year.
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Kris Anderson, a passenger aboard the ship and reporter for CNN affiliate WREG, said Thursday passengers have been told they will be allowed off the ship to enjoy the island while flight arrangements are made.
Passenger Cassie Terry described the ship as "a floating toilet, a floating Petri dish, a floating hell" in a lawsuit filed Friday against Carnival for unspecified damages related to the cruise.
"There are various means of delivering passenger safety instructions and abandon ship instructions, but we believe ... the existing international requirement that we provide this instruction within 24 hours can be bettered by doing it immediately upon (passenger) boarding, " said Michael Crye, executive vice president of Cruise Lines International Association.
Laura Murphy, a fellow river cruise passenger, told CNN that the ship's captain anchored the boat in Luxor after being warned against docking at any of the stops along the Nile because those areas may be unsafe for tourists.
After the war, the ship was again refitted and resumed passenger service until 1967 when it was done in by passenger airlines.
Debbi Smedley, a passenger on a recent Triumph cruise, said the ship had trouble on Jan. 28 as it was preparing to leave Galveston.
If a ship this size feels too big, the passenger experience is diminished.
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Edge can only be accessed by a swipe of the young passenger's keycard, via an elevator in the ship's forward funnel.
Passenger bookings fell in January, but the cruise-ship operator added that it doesn't expect the accident to have a significant impact on its business in the long term.
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The 2, 200-passenger liner also was meant to double as a troop transport ship if war broke out.
Passenger Rob Bonenfant said the mood had soured on the cruise ship.
While no physical injuries have been reported, if a passenger contracted a significant disease, such as hepatitis, from unsanitary conditions on the ship, maritime trial attorney John H. (Jack) Hickey believes physical injury could be argued.
The scheme would see the refit of the Scillonian III passenger ferry, which sails for seven months of the year, and the Gry Maritha freight ship, managers said.
"You wouldn't think after the ship nightmare, that on the bus ride to New Orleans, the bus would break down, " passenger Jacob Combs said after the bus arrived in New Orleans following a 45-minute roadside delay.