President Daniel arap Moi is a past master at the game of sending confusing signals.
At this she is a past master: she sits on the parliament's Conciliation Committee, which hammers out compromise with member states over controversial legislation.
He is a past-master at squeezing the maximum of power from the narrowest of margins.
In the past, before the master plan was adopted and before the implementation phase began, there were vehicles passing by on and near the core areas in Lumbini disturbing the peace and quietude that are essential in Buddhism.
When she gestured with her hands, she flashed gold and diamond rings with the SM design, part of her Celestial Jewelry collection--available by catalog as well. (Also for sale: Celestial purses, hats, gold dinnerware, chopsticks, inspirational videos, floor lamps.) A petite woman with long, dark brown hair that cascades past her shoulders, the Supreme Master is passionate, earthy (she says she needs a husband) and more fun than the average saint.
Mr. Malouf, 53 years old, is no stranger to Petersham Nurseries, having cooked master classes there in the past when launching his acclaimed cooking-cum-travel books on Middle Eastern cuisine, which he co-authored with his former wife, Lucy Malouf.
Schools minister Nick Gibb has said in the past how crucial it is for children to master the basics of reading as early as possible so they can go on to develop a real love of reading.
Theodor Heuss, the first president, was considered a master, who spoke often about the Nazi past.
ECONOMIST: Why it has taken so long to fill a ceremonial post
As in years past, the houses wind down with sales of Old Master paintings and antiquities from Europe, Africa, and the Near East.
The plan has been followed, more or less, as construction has stumbled forward over the past decade, but, after winning the competition for the master plan, Libeskind never managed to get a commission to design even a single building himself.