• Pasteurization, which involves heat treatment, would have killed the bacteria in the Odwalla products.

    CNN: E. coli poisoning leads to Odwalla juice recall

  • He discusses ingredients as well as process, explaining when adjuncts might be permitted, investigating finings, filtration and pasteurization.

    FORBES: Craft Beer: The 1986 Definition

  • Advocates of raw milk hold that pasteurization kills enzymes that make food digestible and bacteria that contribute to a healthy immune system.

    NEWYORKER: Raw Deal

  • Equivalent to the pasteurization of milk, irradiation is a completely safe technology that kills poisonous bacteria, mold, fungus and parasites on agricultural products.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Lopez's two-story gallery is surrounded by pulping and pasteurization vats.

    FORBES: Mexican Medici

  • Tells about the history of pasteurization in the United States.

    NEWYORKER: Raw Deal

  • The winner in that category: Pasteurization Technology Group, a San Leandro, Calif. startup that treats wastewater using an energy-efficient process that recycles the methane produced by wastewater treatment.

    FORBES: The World's Best Sustainability Ideas

  • Sure, we understand that all milk must be heat-treated or pasteurized to kill off harmful micro-organisms (in 1987 the FDA mandated pasteurization of all milk products for human consumption).

    FORBES: Why Milk Isn't As "Natural" As You Think

  • The FDA is at the beginning of a ten-year campaign to eliminate salmonella in eggs, and while experts acknowledge pasteurization is one way to do it, they also suggest cleaner processing as an alternative.

    FORBES: The Yolk's On Him

  • She added that egg products such as egg whites and dried eggs go through pasteurization and extensive heat treatment, so they're considered safe to eat and the Egg Safety Center is not concerned the other products might be sullied with bacteria.


  • Now for the downside, at least for Davidson's company: The FDA is at the beginning of a ten-year campaign to eliminate salmonella in eggs, and though experts acknowledge that pasteurization is one way to do it, they suggest cleaner processing as an alternative.

    FORBES: The Yolk's On Him

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