Today, there are some 100 pasty businesses in Cornwall together producing around 120 million Cornish pasties a year.
The British government instituted a 20% tax on pasties and other takeout snacks.
It means only pasties made in Cornwall can claim to be Cornish pasties, typified by being crimped on the side.
But with lamentable timing, the Britons paired taxing pasties with a 50% to 45% tax cut for top income earners.
Just, where pasties are still made by hand, there is a sense of pride in every pasty that is filled and crimped.
Pie varieties judged included Melton Mowbray, pork, steak and kidney, fish and vegetarian, British apple pies, dessert pies, pasties and "football pies".
Viewed together, the wealthy were feted while the lower and middle classes were hit right in their pasties where it hurts most.
In the next couple months, I am told, Warren's Bakery will be shipping their pasties to Germany, Canada and even some Scandinavian countries.
In the last few moments Ed Balls welcomed what he described as another U-turn to join those on pasties, churches, caravans and skips.
Others are annoyed at the chancellor for the string of mistakes in the Budget on pasties, charities and caravans which made them look incompetent.
Pasties are sold in bakeries, in some older pubs and increasingly at pasty-specific dispensaries like the West Cornwall Pasty Company, which has more than 50 locations.
Labour has condemned the way the government has dealt with planned VAT rises on Cornish pasties and static caravans as a "total shambles", following a reversal of the plans.
Researchers who interviewed fans at last year's FA Cup final found that fans consumed a total of 370, 000 pints of beer and lager and 38, 000 pasties during their visit to the city.
While it has far more locations, around 1, 500 throughout the British Isles, it is a more of a full service bakery that carries pasties alongside a full range of other baked goods.
The government has faced a difficult few weeks since the Budget, with criticism of plans to end age-related tax allowances for pensioners and to impose VAT on pasties, as well as the charity move.
After the amendment, food such as sausage rolls or pasties sold on shelves - that is, cooling down, rather than being kept hot in a special cabinet - will not be liable for VAT.
This is debatable, but what is not is that the pasty followed miners from Cornwall to mines around the world, from Australia to Mexico to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where pasties remain popular today.
Pasty Presto is another chain, with about 30 locations, mostly in the southwestern peninsula but also as far flung as Cambridge and Stratford-Upon-Avon, whose claim to fame is that all of its gourmet Cornish Pasties are baked in house at each location.