"We're not pasty guys in white lab coats droning on about chip specs, " he says.
My visit to Ginsters, Cornwall's largest pasty producer, is a perfect example of this.
As I tuck into my pasty, I realize the potential for growth beyond the Cornish shores.
And Italian fans, perhaps blessed with more style than the pasty English, do not think football shirts fashionable.
Today, there are some 100 pasty businesses in Cornwall together producing around 120 million Cornish pasties a year.
According to Cornwall Council, 13, 000 jobs are related to pasty-making, and this does not include work on the farms.
Far from being the territory of pasty-faced basement dwellers, video games have become the dominant form of American entertainment.
Competitors from across the world have taken part in the World Pasty Championships.
In 2011 the term "Cornish pasty" was given protected status by European lawmakers.
Reigning champion Billy Deakin retained top spot in the Cornish Pasty Amateur category.
The crust of a pasty encircles the meat, a kind of Anglophile burrito.
Hours later, and we're stood outside the modestly named Hyatt Grand Champions Resort Hotel looking like pasty extras from a low-budget road movie.
And the government has altered the definition of what is a "hot" pasty to allow the reversal of its plans.
The pasty was favoured by West Country miners who used the crimp as a handle to eat it while working underground.
Just, where pasties are still made by hand, there is a sense of pride in every pasty that is filled and crimped.
Crowe is shapeless now, his complexion pasty, his hair long and lank.
After the disasters of Mr Osborne's earlier "pasty tax" Budget, this was a genuine attempt to be more in tune with ordinary voters.
When the summer arrives and the thermometer hits a balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and all their pasty white bodies are suddenly and frighteningly revealed.
Among plans criticised from the Budget were the so-called pasty tax, which will see 20% VAT added to the price of hot savoury food from October.
Here, at the very foot of Britain, every pasty is filled to the brim with ingredients, from the traditional beef to chicken tikka or pizza and chilli.
And it is a spectacular one, encompassing UNESCO World Heritage sites, pirate coves, dinosaur fossils, surf beaches, seal-basked rocks and enough Cornish pasty parlours to sustain your hiking between them.
Pasties are sold in bakeries, in some older pubs and increasingly at pasty-specific dispensaries like the West Cornwall Pasty Company, which has more than 50 locations.
Rob Vingoe, from Berryman's bakery which has four shops in Cornwall, said rising food costs were "more of an issue" than the so-called "pasty tax" of 20% VAT on hot food.
The definition of a "hot" pasty is being altered to allow the reversal, while a 20% charge due to be levied on static caravans will now drop to 5%.
It has taken more than eight years for the Cornish pasty to win official recognition protection under the Europen Union's protected food names scheme, or PGI, as it's also known.
The manager of one pasty shop in South East Cornwall said her locally-grown potatoes now cost "three times as much as last year" and she was anticipating having to put up her prices.
The traditional pasty contains ground or cubed beef, diced potato, turnip, salt and pepper, and little else and is baked in its hearty flour-based shell with a thick rolled edge.
But those who know him, such as the Conservative backbencher Claire Perry, say he can laugh at himself and has even found fun in last year's row about the pasty tax.
The Sun led the campaign against the pasty tax and today carries a front-page photograph of the chancellor eating a pasty and quotes from him: "I've listened to Sun readers".