Pat Buchanan didn't need his primitive website or email to win the 1996 primary.
WSJ: Fergus Cullen: In New Hampshire, Politics on a Human Scale
Former commentator Pat Buchanan was also speaking about agriculture Wednesday, visiting a hog farm near Adel.
But the best exponent of Republican isolationism is surely the televisually expert Pat Buchanan.
What odd knot ties Rod Dreher, the writer and granola conservative, to Pat Buchanan, the brawling America Firster?
Of course, today's liberal democrats and unions (as well as Lou Dobbs and Pat Buchanan) are forthrightly protectionist.
Antifree-trade sentiment also joins right-wing commentator Pat Buchanan and the left-wing Longshoremen's Association.
Other voters said ballots were confusing, leading them to vote by mistake for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan instead of Gore.
Michele Bachmann and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin in the same pile as presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option
After all, what was the last time anyone took Pat Buchanan , who has made comments similar to those of Merkel, seriously?
Even with this money (which is not enough to mount a general-election campaign) would Pat Buchanan, Reform Party nominee, make any difference?
In the 2000 campaign, both Nader and independent candidate Pat Buchanan were excluded from the fall presidential debates between Gore and Bush.
But two other candidates, Gary Bauer and Pat Buchanan, are far from happy with the thought of enforced adherence to the party.
But of course, it was paleoconservative Pat Buchanan, a convenient liberal villian.
Talking Points Memo reports that Pat Buchanan also made political contributions.
Pat Buchanan , a pugnaciously conservative contender for the Republican presidential nomination, strongly hinted at an interest in joining the Reform Party.
It's not a presidential election without at least one anti-establishment candidate shaking up the race - think Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader.
It was Mr. Pat Buchanan, an early contender for the Republican nomination, who most forcefully hoisted the banner of protectionism and even xenophobia.
Despite Republican Pat Buchanan's strong defense of American workers and attacks on corporate greed, only 16 percent of AFL-CIO members viewed him favorably.
Some voters said they were confused by the layout and may have mistakenly voted for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan instead of Democrat Al Gore.
But the conservatives -- like Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader and the bill's other opponents -- found themselves on the losing side of a larger trend.
Doubtless others, such as Gary Bauer, who champions Christian beliefs and family values, and Pat Buchanan, a right-wing television host, will soon throw their hats in the ring.
He made a similar point when he said that Pat Buchanan had put himself outside the Republican pale when he asserted America had no national interest in stopping Hitler.
Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan, who's drawing even less support than Nader in the polls, also claims he's been shut out of the debates by the two major political parties.
CNN: Third party hopefuls continue calls for inclusion in debates
The rest of the field is composed of governors, recycled presidential contenders (Lamar Alexander, Pat Buchanan and Malcolm S. "Steve" Forbes Jr. among them) and a phalanx of current senators.
Up-market independents may be siphoned off by Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate and likely Green Party candidate, while down-market ones could drift to Pat Buchanan, the likely Reform Party candidate.
"In the wake of Pat Buchanan's claim to own workers' issues, there's been a fair amount of broad speculation about where workers really are, " AFL-CIO spokeswoman Denise Mitchell told the Associated Press.
In May, a group of former third-party presidential candidates, including Nader and Pat Buchanan, and three small political parties sued the Federal Elections Commission, demanding that it decertify the Commission on Presidential Debates.
He has taken Dennis Kucinich, Pat Buchanan and a dash of John Bolton, thrown them into a blender and come up with a worldview that is nationalist and populist, while giving both of those things a bad name.
In the primaries, Mr Bush's popularity with the party faithful has already paid off: unlike his father in 1992, who was mauled by a conservative rebellion led by Pat Buchanan, this Bush faces no challenge for his party's nomination.