Public discontent may be filling the campaigners' sails, but political support for reforms is still patchy.
Bladder cancer survivor Richard Rolfe said cancer information in the General Hospital was random and patchy.
Jones, who is forty, is tall and imposing, with a shaved head and a patchy goatee.
But private-sector involvement has also been harmed by the patchy record of private providers to date.
If their performance is patchy, that is because of a lack of market opportunities.
She returned to the semifinals Wednesday despite a patchy performance, beating Sara Errani 7-5, 7-5.
In addition, coverage is patchy, with some regions of the world almost devoid of instruments.
BBC: NEWS | Special Reports | 629 | 629 | Climate scepticism: The top 10
We're passing small mounds of waste, oil rigs and miles of brown, patchy wetlands.
The strike began on August 24th with a few barricades by protesters and only patchy support.
ECONOMIST: Pent-up frustration at the flaws of a successful democracy
Many Democrats, it seems, will join Republicans and vote for Mr Giuliani, patchy economy and all.
Trade in services has been getting freer, although many countries' WTO commitments are still patchy.
For all its intriguing insights, its descriptions, research and enviable perspective, Mr Caute's book is patchy.
The Labour MP Vera Baird, who chairs the Fawcett Society, said support for victims was "patchy".
Given these handicaps, it is not surprising that the record of the committees has been patchy.
Both are somewhat vague on how they will do this, and both have patchy records.
Surveys about attitudes to marriage are patchy and subject to a lot of reservations.
And yet this too is liable to be a patchy marriage, because the rivalry is so deep-seated.
But their record in wooing portfolio investors, who want to buy shares not companies, has been patchy.
But currently, the more common concerns for users lie in wi-fi's cost, patchy coverage and network security.
Yet, despite patchy economic growth over the past two years, it has fallen from 11.2% to 9.5%.
The cost to business of slow and patchy internet connections was not included, but is clearly huge.
Over half of smallholdings lack running water, four-fifths are without telephones, and electricity is patchy at best.
The patchy credit histories of subprime and low-documentation borrowers made it hard to model default rates accurately.
Meanwhile, exclusions, even of primary school children, are commonplace and youth provision is patchy in the area.
BBC: NEWS | VOTE 2001 | RESULTS & CONSTITUENCIES | Liverpool Riverside
The MDC has lost quite a lot of support because of its patchy performance in the unity government.
However, current coverage is patchy, leading to a lack of confidence among consumers and fears of high costs.
Ron Ball, who won Thursday's vote as an Independent, said local policing was currently "patchy" across the county.
Since the demise of the old system, health-insurance coverage has been patchy and in rural areas mostly non-existent.
Aid and power supplies remained patchy in the northern region of Japan stricken by an earthquake and tsunami.
It creates more uniform protections than the patchy laws passed by individual states.