The agreement also bars Australia's patent agency from approving generic versions of a drug while a patent application is pending.
The addition should work well with an update to Google Translate earlier this year that added parallel patent texts from the aforementioned European agency to allow for translations between English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German and Swedish.
ENGADGET: Google Patents search gets upgrade, now filled with prior art and European patent goodness
Amarin execs previously indicated a decision was due because the agency updated its monthly compendium of patent listings known as the Orange Book.
The appeals court held that the agency had misinterpreted both the law governing patent term length and a clause barring the double-counting of overlapping prosecution delays.
Apple Inc. won a victory against Google Inc. in a patent case before a U.S. trade agency, which upheld findings by one of the agency's judges.
This from a job creating enginethat receives no taxpayer dollars and is the sole self-funded government agency, supported 100 percent by the patent fees of individual inventors, universities and creative companies.
FORBES: A Message To Congress: Keep Your Hands Off The Patent Office
The agency has become a venue of choice for patent grievances since it typically completes investigations faster that US courts.
FORBES: Microsoft v Motorola Android Case and Why Courts Need Reforming
The ratings agency believes earnings should rebound next year as the deluge of patent expirations on big sellers finally slows down.
FORBES: And The Crystal Ball Says The Pharma Future Is Improving
Meanwhile, rival chipmaker Broadcom got a piece of Qualcomm last June, when the U.S. government trade agency banned imports of phones powered by Qualcomm chips last June as part of a patent dispute between the companies--an order that was blunted by a federal judge in September.
Meanwhile, rival chipmaker Broadcom (nasdaq: BRCM - news - people ) got a piece of Qualcomm last June, when the U.S. government trade agency banned imports of phones powered by Qualcomm chips last June as part of a patent dispute between the companies--an order that was blunted by a federal judge in September.
In the U.S. generic companies can sell off-patent products immediately, but they have to compensate the company that originally registered the chemical with the Environmental Protection Agency--Monsanto in this case--for the data showing the product's safety and efficacy.
Those arrangements are part of an agency program intended to forestall disputes with companies, including disagreements over the price paid by offshore units for patent and other intellectual property rights.