The six call-center employees were answering a pathetic total of 20 to 40 calls a day.
Deputy Hill said his comments had been "pathetic and not becoming of a minister".
While that is a fairly pathetic use of my time, someone has to do it .
FORBES: Wall Street Regulatory Sleuth Bill Singer Issues August FINRA Update
Penney stake and regime change have been a more pathetic boondoggle than any Herbalife distributorship.
The problem is, as in these cases, that such defenses are usually pathetic and embarrassing.
That makes this particular recovery, pathetic though it may be, 38 months old already.
There were a few possibilities, all of which sound pretty pathetic in the modern era.
ENGADGET: RU Sirius seeks contributors for Mondo 2000: An Open Source History
Mr Paisley said the SDLP was conducting a "witchhunt" against him and described it as "pathetic".
He called Peterson's remarks "pathetic, " especially in how he "attacked" Savio and her mental state.
That, now, is the sad, pathetic legacy of men such as Armstrong and Bonds.
The men she talks to, however, are a pathetic bunch, whose confidence is shot to pieces.
Directors at auditions have told him "don't be so pathetic" when he thought he was just being himself.
As for Haas' outfit: "Yeah, I'm pretty pathetic I think when it comes to color matching, " he said.
YouTube continually looks at how people watch all the footage, which ranges from professional to pathetic in quality.
New York Times columnist Bob Herbert recently called Fox News Host Glenn Beck an ''ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure.
If it does have to do with the fact that Michael Noer is an Executive Editor, then that is just pathetic.
"He tried to draw the grass and the sky, and it was just pathetic, " says his widow, Cathy Oerter.
Who knew that a crew of pathetic, small-time real estate salesman (that's Glengarry Glen Ross) could be so heart-wrenching?
In 1997 America scored pathetic marks in an international maths and science test.
The desperation with which stock punters have posited TV as Apple's next opportunity has been especially pathetic to watch.
The low volume on the bounce since the mid-March low has been pathetic.
Hardline unionists have said the decision to step down on 1 July was a "pathetic and cynical election stunt".
Fifty of them had taken over the spread next door, trying to grow cotton, but their efforts were pathetic.
They've been punchless on the power play and pathetic on the penalty kill.
He called McQuaid "pathetic" and said he was only interested in protecting himself.
There is something pathetic about what passes as European foreign policy these days.
After returning empty handed (there are few misadventures as pathetic as obsequiesness rebuffed), Mr. Straw refused to abandon his script.
Compared to them, Shipman seemed pathetic, a small, colourless man, with grey close-cropped hair and beard, and an unhealthy prison pallor.
And when Bowles-Simpson was last put to a vote, a pathetic 38 congressmen voted for the measure despite the lip service.