The medical students in turn have to figure out how to treat the patient.
Suddenly the surgeon was the patient, and Kenagy was horrified by what he saw.
The diversity of the collection ranges from photographs, patient letters, admission certificates and application forms.
Correspondence kept by the hospital reveals that aged 67 he was still a patient.
Defence lawyers had argued the abortion patient's 2009 death was a result of unforeseen complications.
BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News
"This gives us the opportunity to really do patient-specific and individualized medicine, " Hollister said.
Change comes slowly in the charity sector, so the investors backing may need to be patient.
In the middle of it all, she peels off to get a patient a glass of cranberry juice.
Patient transport services make non-urgent ambulance trips, such as taking people to hospital appointments.
But if the patient can get by without insurance that rule doesn't mean anything.
Eventually, he was struck off in 1985 following the death of a patient under his care.
Now the Big 12 is losing a key member because it was too patient.
FORBES: Big 12 Expansion: Adding TCU Should Have Come Sooner for Struggling Conference
Pictures included a patient laying in a hospital, a floating cargo ship and an empty mine.
Breasts reconstructed with the patient's tissue are softer and will age like a normal breast.
This option allows the patient to decide what size implants she's most comfortable with, McCarthy says.
If the patient chooses to have breast implants, there are usually two procedures involved.
There are two main types to choose from: implants or reconstruction using the patient's own tissue.
The first patient had recently returned from the United Arab Emirates, the French Health Ministry said.
The field is complicated by the fact that gluten-sensitivity diagnosis and treatment is often patient-driven.
One might think the goal to save tax dollars by replacing government spending with patient spending.
The names and identifying details of the patient were changed to protect her privacy.
However, one unwanted by-product of this is to lessen the natural sex drive of the patient.
It said neither nurse tried to resuscitate the patient when they found he was not responding.
However, the Borders Patient Action Group (BPAG) said the benefit of the changes would be limited.
BBC: Borders hydrotherapy pool move disappoints patient group
In another cubicle a patient is being treated for a bullet through the knee.
Tx-Bridge center is saving life and only provides the best High Quality service package to patient.
At the end of August, a very patient reader named Stephanie sent me an interesting question.
Emphasis should be on putting the patient--not employers and third parties--in charge of health care resources.
Another problem with endovascular repair, for the insurance company if not the patient, is cost.
The transplant is used to get the patient past the critical stage of the illness.