But India is arguably less patriarchal now than it has ever been, and the problem remains.
Symbolically, she stands for the possibility of women to truly remake the patriarchal structure.
As they have been for centuries, many are deeply loyal to patriarchal clans.
Gypsy culture is one of patriarchal families, sometimes clans, but never a nation.
And it's true that the resurgence of patriarchal succession in one company does not spell doom for all reform.
Talking about gender-based violence is admitting that violence is deeply rooted in the patriarchal society, which relies on women subordination.
Fire has incurred the wrath of the Sena in part because it challenges patriarchal norms and urges women to assert themselves.
India is a society steeped in the patriarchal tradition, where most women are still expected to stay at home, and bring up children.
Some women oppose court, government or even private intervention to address wage and income disparities that are a relic of a former patriarchal age.
The first is the patriarchal mind-set that traps women in stereotypical female roles and stigmatizes any woman who tries to break out of this mold.
In his mid-30s when the Nazis came to power, he saw fascism as an inevitable product of repressive social structures, such as the patriarchal family.
The most critical issue is that women would not be better leaders if they have to apply the prevailing patriarchal, male political structures to govern.
The patriarchal leader directs who is to marry whom and when.
And, most patriarchal though it may sound, almost misogynistic, one way for the poorer to make the leap from poor to rich is by marrying up.
Although the Gelede has nowadays adapted to a more patriarchal society, the oral heritage and dances can be considered as a testimony of the former matriarchal order.
In Egypt's patriarchal society, the CaiRollers, composed of a mix of expatriates and Egyptians, initially attracted incredulous stares from men who saw them practicing at a park.
But of course in many countries, women tend to be the poorest segment of the population, a status that is further solidified by the existence of patriarchal attitudes.
FORBES: Microfinance and Patriarchy: 'A Drift Away from Serving Women'
"One of the things that concern me is this caricature of the Church as patriarchal, distant and trying to impose its views, " she told the Good Morning Scotland programme.
Though the Brotherhood says women will share equal rights, often holding up spokeswomen like Asem and Zakaria as examples, critics point to an organization they say reflects Egypt's patriarchal history.
Each family member is held to epitomise some recurring problem which is, in Ms Hirsi Ali's view, characteristic of patriarchal societies, especially when they are uprooted but trying desperately to cling to the old ways.
One cannot hope to put an end to gender-based violence without understanding the ideological and social construction which is the backdrop to this violence, which provides legitimacy, bolstered by patriarchal values which are taken to be consubstantial to our existence, our culture.
Angelina Jolie may be the most formidable of the lot, and "Changeling" -- which opens in wide release Friday -- is both a forceful testament to the perseverance of a single mother (Jolie's character, Christine Collins) and a damning indictment of unfettered patriarchal power in the late 1920s.