Paul Browne, the chief spokesman for the NYPD, didn't respond to requests for comment.
New York police spokesman Paul Browne said in a statement that investigations into the incidents were continuing.
The police spokesman, Paul Browne, told the AFP news agency that there was "no sign of trauma".
It includes a clearly visible Boeing Co. identification number, New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said Friday.
Former Aston Villa defender Paul Browne has has been allowed to leave Raith Rovers to join Nuneaton Borough.
The officers identified themselves as police and asked Mr. Gray to show his hands, said police spokesman Paul Browne.
Police arrested more than 100 people, according to Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne.
"No police department in America has more oversight than the NYPD, " chief police spokesman Paul Browne said in a statement.
"Staffing and other factors, including training, have had a bearing on the number of stops, " said chief NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.
Mr. Johnson maintained health insurance through the company, and returned to the building "periodically, " said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne.
"We're looking for human remains, clothing or other personal effects of Etan Patz, " NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said of the current investigation.
CNN: After suspension, search for Etan Patz to resume Monday
An inspector on the mosque site's roof noticed the debris, which includes a clearly visible Boeing Co. identification number, police spokesman Paul Browne said.
In New York, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne declined to discuss reports that the plot targeted a passenger line between New York City and Canada.
New York Police Department officials activated emergency measures to protect "hotels and other prominent locations" in New York City, spokesman Paul Browne said Monday.
In 2012, 16 people escaped police custody in a year when officers made more than 397, 000 arrests, according to chief NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.
Chief New York Police spokesman Paul Browne said preliminary testing indicated the presence of ricin in both letters but that more testing would be done.
"As it would with any such allegation, regardless of its credibility, IAB is investigating it, " said the NYPD's chief spokesman, Paul Browne, referring to the internal affairs bureau.
According to Paul Browne, the top spokesman for the New York Police Department, witnesses reported seeing the suspect talking to himself as he walked along the subway platform.
Police are searching for a woman seen running from an elevated station for the No. 7 train in Queens on Thursday evening, Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said in a statement.
He was arrested after a friend helped facilitate his surrender in the crowded parking lot of a convenience store in Bethlehem, New York, according to Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne.
"Plans are underway now to extradite him to New York in connection with the car crash that took the lives of the young couple and their child, " police spokesman Paul Browne said.
BBC: Julio Acevedo arrested over New York hit-and-run deaths
But that's exactly what a second-grader had inside his Batman backpack Thursday morning when he arrived at Wave Preparatory Elementary School in Far Rockaway in Queens, Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said Friday.
David Villalobos, who is hospitalized in stable condition, told police "his leap was definitely not a suicide attempt, but a desire to be one with the tiger, " according to Paul Browne, chief spokesman for the NYPD.
Investigators questioned a woman who complained of difficulty breathing at the time the wires were discovered but ruled out the possibility that she lodged the complaint to provide a diversion, said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne.
Mr. Johnson walked "very calmly" away from the scene, said police spokesman Paul Browne, but was followed by two construction workers who called for help to two police officers posted at the front entrance of the Empire State Building.
But members of the New York Police Department emergency service unit who came in contact with the letter that was opened at a city mail facility were examined for "minor symptoms" of ricin exposure that they experienced on Saturday, according to Paul Browne, NYPD spokesman.
Browne had an early shot palmed away by Paul Murphy but then turned the ball in from an Andy Waterworth cross to give Distillery the lead.