The regulatory system - the oversight system failed, and we are now paying the price.
Is his Wigan team paying the price for the "distraction" of the FA Cup?
As some critics see it, the once-conservative institution got greedy and is now paying the price.
While most of the world just stands by, they're the ones paying the price.
Smaller economies basically deceived their way into the euro, and are now paying the price.
One thing is for certain, many of them are paying the price for leveraged risk.
Managers in one unit would balk at paying the price another unit charged for supplies.
Meanwhile, the whistleblowers who blew the top off Fast and Furious are paying the price.
FORBES: Inside President Obama's War On The Fast & Furious Whistleblowers
But others believe he is paying the price for having been too flamboyant, ambitious and controversial.
As in other businesses, senior managers are paying the price for their over-zealous expansion.
Penney, its brand, and its bottom line, will be the ones paying the price.
FORBES: How To Boost Search Results, Without Ticking Off Google
The ECB's critics might now argue that Europe is paying the price for this.
For ten years Israel has been paying the price for the withdrawal from Lebanon.
And he said the public would be paying the price of PFI for the next 30 years.
As California tries getting over its Beverly Hills hangover, its public sector workers are paying the price.
Jennings, for one, says the industry is paying the price for reaching too far into gamblers' pockets.
If he doesn't take action, Newtown and the whole of Mid Wales will end up paying the price.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Phone mast firm job cuts meeting
But in a real sense, we've been cited for reckless driving and are paying the price with our credibility.
All it took was a little politicking and suddenly, those who could least afford to, were paying the price.
FORBES: How The Payroll Tax Cut Is Costing Low Income Borrowers
Otherwise unions would be plagued by "free riders" who accepted the benefits of collective bargaining without paying the price.
Industry and home owners are paying the price for a South East property boom fuelled by excessive city bonuses.
We can't escape the fact that somebody somewhere--and soon--will need to start paying the price for such a policy.
On the economic front, China is paying the price for its rescue plan.
FORBES: 2011: For China, It's The Year Of Living Dangerously
Others, such as some of the telecoms investments, are paying the price for their dependence on Indonesia's domestic economy.
Now Apple may be paying the price, in the form of ad withdrawals and boycotts by top local companies.
Mr Obuchi is now paying the price for trying to drag such delicate issues of diplomacy into crass election politics.
He's paying the price for a re-election campaign that was based on attacking his opponent, Mitt Romney, and not much else.
With few exceptions, that failure is still unresolved now, in 2011 and our children are paying the price with their lives.
True, Mr Trimble is merely paying the price that democracy extracts from politicians who fall out of step with their voters.
So today we are spending more money and covering fewer people and too many of our families are paying the price.