Also included is a new Department of Defense (DOD) General Provision that would authorize the Secretary of the Navy to receive and retain payment in-kind for the settlement of the longstanding A-12 aircraft contract litigation.
Aside from the infrastructure, which Japan simply transferred to China once the in-kind paymentin resources had been made, China also got a whole lot of know-how.
While the impact of this debt burden was somewhat ameliorated in the near term by the carefully constructed payment-in-kind features, it is incompatible with achieving a competitive cost structure, funding sorely needed capital improvements and long-term viability.
When Kohlberg Kravis Roberts leveraged Storer Broadcasting, Drexel created a payment-in-kind preferred as the junior security and insisted KKR give warrants to buy common stock as a sweetener.
That is just a silly statement because cryptocurrency donations are far more efficient than dealing with payment processors and physical in-kind donations.
PokerStars says these kind of asset seizures have always involved payment processors that were acting in a non-transparent manner and hiding information from the company.