When he was sufficiently sickened, Mr. Mullins sought redemption in a new peace-loving avatar: Felix.
This inviolate "death and taxes" truth sustained me--a peace-loving granny, a tree-hugging liberal--through 64 years of protected, upper-middle-class subsistence.
"It's a very peace-loving community that has successfully integrated and assimilated into the metropolitan Milwaukee area, " Zepnick told WTMJ.
Surely the peace-loving Dylan never sang anything that could be construed as violent.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Is there violence in Cameron's CD collection?
The people of the United States and the peace-loving people of the world are determined that the peace process will go forward.
Norwegians find it very difficult to believe that in their peace-loving country one of their own was capable of such brutality and murder.
It does not necessarily follow from the proposition that U.S.-Soviet relations are improving that the international environment is actually becoming safer for peace-loving nations.
For that, peace-loving people the world over can be very grateful.
It says that most of the Buddhist majority in the country are peace-loving and fair-minded, and that it is vital not to hurt their feelings or insult other faiths.
China, for the first time, sent its top soldier to the annual meeting -- General Liang Guanglie -- who spoke at length about China's peace-loving nature and focus on cooperative development and security in the region.
CNN: Explainer: South China Sea - Asia's most dangerous waters
And fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world are peace-loving, are interested in the same things that you and I are interested in: How do I make sure I can get a good job?
So I think really what we're dealing with is more of a struggle within Islam and within various countries where the preponderance of people are peace-loving and moderate and want what everybody else wants, which is a better life for themselves and their children.