You may think others might feel neglected, when in fact, they will feel more peace and happiness as well.
"When we work together we can achieve our goal, and our goal is simple: peace and happiness in this world, " she told Ban.
If anything the U.S. Task Force has done has given this child one year of peace and happiness, then my stay here has been worth it and I can count my blessings this Thanksgiving Day.
And, yes, we're here to stand, and proudly so, for all who struggle to break free from totalitarianism, for all who know in their hearts that freedom is the one true path to peace and human happiness.
The song "Peace, Love and Happiness" is dedicated to the children he met there.
What is more, he said, this was just the sentiment that inspired Keir Hardie, Labour's first leader, when he promised a century ago that the party of the working class could deliver peace, happiness and a fuller life.
They described feeling peace, intense happiness and a sense of the unity of all things.
In that spirit, Michelle and I wish you and your families a sweet year full of health, happiness, and peace.
They focus on what is most important to them, their children, their happiness and their peace of mind.
Having her in a secure place with that help nearby will give us greater peace of mind about her safety and her happiness as well.
It is fixated solemnly on bringing peace and prosperity to nations, a task its bureaucrats tend to find intrinsically nobler than that of bringing freedom and happiness to individuals.
ECONOMIST: Emma Bonino, Europe��s commissioner for the future
Touch, she insists, is not only the key to health and happiness but to social cohesion even to war and peace.