In the province of Alberta are three major oil sands areas: the Athabasca (the largest), Peace River, and Cold Lake.
That event brought a tear to the president's eye and it revived memories of King Hussein's public praise for Mr Clinton when announcing the Wye River peace deal at the White House last October.
Some of the biggest projects to benefit include the Peace Bridge across the River Foyle and the proposed new Conflict Transformation centre at the Maze.
The money has funded scores of community groups as well as high profile projects like the Peace Bridge across the River Foyle and the planned Conflict Resolution Centre at the site of the former Maze prison.
The policy goal of the consensus is to establish an independent Palestinian state west of the Jordan River that will live at peace with Israel.
He aims to promote peace, friendship and free navigation on the river.
Estimates at the Peace Bridge -- which crosses the Niagara River and connects Buffalo and Canada -- ranged up to 15 hours, according to the Ontario advisory.
And since the Mandate envisioned a Jewish state on both banks of the Jordan River, at a minimum the peace treaty sets a precedent for a future annexation of the west bank of the Jordan.
He was drawn by the peace and quiet, and the amazing views of undulating cliffs and a majestic river.
While Hitler is poised to pounce on a terrified Europe, Roosevelt is finding what peace he can at his beloved family estate in upstate New York, overlooking the Hudson River.
Only when Netanyahu embraced the false claims of the likes of Obama and Sarkozy that it is possible to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians based on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state west of the Jordan River could it be said that he made false statements.
Syria contends that the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed during lower-level peace talks that stalled in 1996 to return the Golan, a water-rich region that overlooks the upper Jordan River valley.
CNN: Albright: 'No done deal' as Israel, Syria prepare to meet
Some suggest that, while Israel's peace treaty with Jordan is reasserted, a buffer zone could be drawn up on the eastern side of the Jordan river, perhaps monitored by peacekeepers from NATO or the UN, to protect Israel against an invasion from the east and to enable it to withdraw from the West Bank.
ECONOMIST: The Jordan valley: A dry bone of contention | The