• Since the peace settlement in 2005, South Sudan has witnessed some extraordinary gains in education.


  • But he insisted that any peace settlement "must find a solution to Israel's security needs".

    BBC: Jerusalem will always be Israel's, says PM

  • Under Ehud Olmert, she served as foreign minister, advocating talks with Palestinian leaders and a two-state peace settlement.

    CNN: Kadima hoping to hold onto power

  • Another roadblock to a peace settlement was a dispute over a small piece of government-held territory in northern Bosnia.

    CNN: Balkan leaders initial peace agreement

  • " The Balkan leaders added that the "NATO-led Implementation Force is essential to the success of the peace settlement.

    CNN: Balkan leaders pledge to ensure safety of NATO troops

  • In any talks, priority should be given to some kind of peace settlement.

    ECONOMIST: Taiwan and China

  • Nor does there seem much prospect as yet of an overarching peace settlement.

    ECONOMIST: Perilous journey

  • It also urges the United Nations and the wider international community to act more decisively in protecting the peace settlement.


  • It reportedly calls for Palestinian elections six months later and an interim Palestinian state, with a final peace settlement by the end of 2005.

    BBC: US seeks Israel peace plan response

  • If this deal leads to a formal peace settlement, it would end a north-south war that has lasted almost half a century and killed 2m people.

    ECONOMIST: Threats and excuses | The

  • It is also said to call for the establishment of an interim Palestinian state, with a final peace settlement to be reached by the end of 2005.

    ECONOMIST: Bombs, reprisals and peace plans | The

  • The two Middle East leaders held a surprise face-to-face meeting overnight, amid concern about the lack of progress they have made towards reaching a final peace settlement.

    BBC: By the BBC's Richard Lister in Oslo

  • Another reason for a peace settlement, according to Americans close to the negotiations, is a desire on the part of Taliban leaders for international recognition as a political group.

    NEWYORKER: After America

  • "The important thing is that we must not see politics and the peace settlement that we have, fragile though it is, destabilised by this kind of action, " he added.

    BBC: Two die in 'barbaric' Army attack

  • As part of a final peace settlement, Israel must have secure and recognized borders, which should emerge from negotiations between the parties in accordance with UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338.

    CNN: Letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Sharon

  • The two, he added, had "a common interest in putting an end to the violence in the country and launching a peace settlement preserving Syria as an integral and sovereign state".

    BBC: Cameron and Putin discuss Syria conflict at Sochi talks

  • Mr Obama's envoy George Mitchell has made several trips to the region, meeting Israel's recently installed prime minister, who Arab critics have characterised as an opponent of a negotiated peace settlement.

    BBC: Obama invites Middle East heads

  • European Union foreign ministers have invited the Macedonian government and party leaders to a meeting in Luxembourg on Monday at which they have said they expect to see a peace settlement in writing.

    CNN: Residents flee Macedonian fighting

  • Hopes were briefly raised in August when a truce was announced pending agreement on a comprehensive peace settlement, under which all the rebels were to assemble at two designated points in southern Sudan.

    ECONOMIST: Uganda

  • One former American official said he does not believe the Afghan Army will be able to hold the country without a peace settlement that removes a significant number of Taliban fighters from the field.

    NEWYORKER: After America

  • Yet even its warmest admirers do not imagine that air power alone can win the battle for Kosovo quickly or decisively enough to prevent further killing there, let alone to impose a peace settlement.

    ECONOMIST: A widening conflict | The

  • The joint statement said all sides had agreed on the urgency of the Afghan peace process and "committed themselves to take all necessary measures to achieve the goal of a peace settlement over the next six months".

    BBC: Afghanistan and Pakistan aim for 'peace in six months'

  • The comments followed an announcement in Cairo by the Arab League that members of a committee tasked with exploring a Saudi proposal for a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace settlement would participate in the conference to be held in Annapolis, Md.

    NPR: Expert Looks at Topics on Tap for Mideast Meeting

  • The Turks, for their part, insisted that they had made good-faith efforts to achieve a peace settlement (they and their ethnic kin in Cyprus had accepted a UN-sponsored plan to reunify the island but it was spurned by the Greek-Cypriots earlier this year).

    ECONOMIST: A date with Turkey | The

  • The roadmap has been drawn up by the quartet - a group of diplomats from the US, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union - and is supposed to lead to a peace settlement, with a Palestinian state living side by side with Israel, in three years' time.

    BBC: US plans Mid-East 'roadmap'

  • "In the Middle East region, there should be a negotiated settlement for peace, not a military settlement, " he said.

    WSJ: Candidates Skirt a Political Circus

  • Keep it boiling or agree to a settlement that will yield peace and increased prosperity for your people but to the now-aging militants might only mean the drudgery of performing the mundane duties of a real politician in a poor backwater.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Terrorism as career option

  • "Abbas, during his meeting with Obama, was very clear, telling him that settlement construction was an obstacle on the path to peace and to the resumption of talks, and that this was not possible without a settlement freeze, " said Nimr Hammad.

    BBC: Obama urges return to Israel-Palestinian peace talks

  • Yet the moment may never come when it can be proclaimed that peace has been definitively established and a final settlement achieved.

    ECONOMIST: Down to the wire

  • And on the Middle East, do you believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should extend the settlement moratorium as a gesture to peace?

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama News Conference

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