Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, but their relations remain strained.
In 1951, a peace treaty with Japan was signed by 48 other nations in San Francisco.
In December, Mr Abe and Mr Putin agreed to restart talks on signing a peace treaty.
They also committed themselves to reaching a comprehensive peace treaty by the end of 2008.
Opinion surveys show that most Israelis still believe a peace treaty is both inevitable and desirable.
So, is the whole peace treaty that is supposed to be in place, in trouble?
In fall 1995, Mr. Clinton again traveled to the Middle East to witness the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty.
In 1921, the United States and Germany signed a peace treaty ending the state of war between them.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he hoped the long-standing peace treaty between the two countries would continue.
It is impossible to both ensure Palestinian compliance and the achievement of a peace treaty in that timetable.
Under the terms of the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, Egypt is prohibited from deploying military forces in the Sinai.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The perils of a remilitarized Sinai
There are many in Jordan who still oppose vocally the 1994 peace treaty that Jordan signed with Israel.
And for those seeking international diplomacy lessons with their time-suck, the Angry Birds Peace Treaty video is here.
Ivonne A-Baki participated in the negotiations that led to a peace treaty between her country and Peru in 1998.
The peace treaty's critics maintain that the price Israel paid was too high and so the treaty was unjustified.
There were two main reasons that Bashir agreed to sign the peace treaty with the south Sudanese in 2005.
Before the peace treaty, the Foreign Ministry prepared regular reports on anti-Semitism in the Egyptian media and school system.
President Anwar Sadat needed backing for his Camp David peace treaty with Israel.
Analysts believe this trend could help reduce tensions between the two sides, which have yet to sign a peace treaty.
While Israel fears for its peace treaty with the Arab world's biggest country, Egypt's Copts face a more immediate crisis.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: In Egypt, Christians endure their 'Kristallnacht'
The historic 1979 peace treaty between the two countries, which share a long border, is the cornerstone of a regional balance.
In 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in a ceremony at their border attended by U.S. President Bill Clinton.
Talking to Syria, says Nadim Shehadi of Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, does not mean a peace treaty right away.
So whether the Egyptian regime falls next week or next year or five years from now, the peace treaty is doomed.
The force is expected to leave for Bosnia after Balkan leaders sign a formal peace treaty in Paris on December 14.
"I carry with me a message of optimism about the possibilities of a peace treaty, " Bush said with the two Israeli leaders.
More recently still, Israeli diplomats, fearing similar assaults, temporarily quit Jordan, the other Arab country with which Israel has a peace treaty.
Sudan has indicated it might accept a U.N. force in Darfur to aid African Union troops if a peace treaty is signed.
North and South Korea have remained technically at war since 1950, since neither country signed a peace treaty after the Korean War.
That operation expanded to an Israeli attempt to install a pro-western government that was willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel.