In Jalalabad three potentates have agreed, apparently peaceably, to share power in the eastern region.
Participation: Digital citizens have a right to peaceably participate where and how they choose on the Internet.
In sum, with a bit of give (mostly yours) and take (all theirs) things are settled peaceably.
The right to assemble peaceably, that right was denied shoppers in Clackamas, Oregon, and moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado.
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So Mr Abe too needs to show that the region's two most powerful countries can rub along more peaceably.
They traded heavily in a smugglers' market (which Mr Saakashvili shut down in 2004) and lived alongside each other peaceably.
But in this work, and in scientific romances to come, he offered little hope that humanity could peaceably coexist with extraterrestrials.
Later, and more peaceably, the Japanese went in big for nuclear power.
From an architectural disappearing act to a more organic take on the frame approach, here are five solutions to living, peaceably, with televisions.
Businesses merely make offers which customers may accept, or depart peaceably.
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The residents themselves are pleading for time to move their caravans on to the far side of the nearby A127 and say they will move peaceably.
Some were concerned, for example, that it would be difficult to make the Hyatt brand function peaceably with their own full-service marquee brands, which compete fiercely with Hyatt.
The sooner we become serious about making a realistic settlement that will give the various peoples of this unhappy, shattered area the opportunity to live peaceably again, the better.
Gore, in his address, also spoke of the five-week court conflict, saying that he was relieved the situation was resolved peaceably, in a courtroom, rather than in a more unsavory manner.
It is a combination of words and acts that tell the world, while our union may still be imperfect, we together can peaceably rule the greatest civilization in the history of humankind.
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Race, religion, creed and sometimes even gender are supremely relevant if the Holy City, a complex web of separate Jewish and Arab districts, is ever to be divided peaceably into the capitals of two states, Israel and Palestine.
In Switzerland the German, French and Italian communities have lived peaceably side by side for more than seven centuries, while in the rest of Europe the three groups fought one another incessantly until the end of World War II.
And that goes not just in the economic area, but also in a conversation we've been having about the South China Sea and the necessity of having any disputes there really settled peaceably -- peacefully -- and in accord with international norms and rules.