It is solely through dialogue and peaceful co-existence that the achievement of the world vision for sustainable development, protection of human rights and alleviation of poverty will become possible.
UNESCO: Cyprus &
These subjects equip learners with social skills necessary not only for peaceful co-existence and non-violent conflict resolution or management but also for community development and poverty reduction.
UNESCO: Adult Learning and Illiteracy Elimination Programme
And all of us, Western and Arab, Christian or Muslim, who put the value of tolerance, respect and peaceful co-existence above those of sectarian hatred, should join together to defeat them.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Tony Blair's speech
Ethiopia seizes this opportunity to underscore that there is no other sound alternative to good neighbourliness and peaceful co-existence and calls upon all neighbouring countries to stand united in promoting peace and development in our sub-region.
BBC: Ethiopian president hails victories