The IAEA has 154 member states and seeks to regulate the peaceful use of atomic energy.
It will contribute to promoting scientific research for peaceful use of outer space.
Likewise, the Presidents welcomed the recent signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the peaceful use of the nuclear energy.
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Japan's top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday that any nuclear cooperation would take place with India's pledging its peaceful use.
But Rumsfeld stopped short of proposing any new defenses for satellites or other space-based systems, saying the United States remains committed to the peaceful use of space.
Iran insists its nuclear program is geared for peaceful use.
"Japan accepts regular and irregular inspections from the IAEA and makes public how it handles and uses plutonium, which proves that Japan makes a peaceful use of it, " he said.
NPT, so long as it is for peaceful use.
ECONOMIST: The Europeans' soft approach to Iran seems to have failed
But so far, few changes have been implemented on the ground or in space, said Brian Weeden, a technical adviser with the Secure World Foundation, an organization dedicated to the peaceful use of outer space.
Finally, to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the United States seeks a new framework for civil nuclear cooperation among nations, including an international fuel bank and the necessary resources and authority to strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency.
But our strong preference is to have Iran meet its international obligations, negotiate diplomatically, to allow them to have peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with international law, but at the same time, forswear the weaponization of nuclear power.
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"The objective of the EU remains to achieve a comprehensive, negotiated, long-term settlement which restores international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear programme, while respecting Iran's legitimate right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, " the EU statement said.
Iran says its programme is aimed solely at peaceful energy use.
Water cooperation refers to the peaceful management and use of water resources among various players and sectors and at different levels.
He took care not to re-open old wounds and his opposite number, President Fernando De la Rua, pledged Argentina would only use peaceful means to press its claim for the islands.
It is not acceptable to use violence against peaceful protesters.
Critics of the Bush administration seized on the finding to demand an end to any forcible effort to prevent the mullahocracy in Tehran from continuing to use its "peaceful" nuclear program as a cover for obtaining the bomb.
Such an arrangement would permit Tehran to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but not to build nuclear weapons.
The Outer Space Treaty provides a legal framework for the international use of space for peaceful purposes, including the moon and other celestial bodies.
The two Leaders also agreed on the need for the international community to send a clear signal to Iran that while it has the right to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy, Iran should not use this right to develop nuclear weapons capability as stated in UNSC and IAEA resolutions.
But the American system also guarantees the rights of those who argue for the opposite view: that Islam is basically a peaceful, universalist faith which restricts rather than enjoins the use of violence.
Identify ways in which young people can use World Heritage to create a society that reflects the ambitions of a peaceful society.
UNESCO: 2015 UNESCO UK World Heritage Youth Summit Conference
Heaven knows, it seems a better use of my short time on the planet to be writing about the peaceful resolution of conflict than it would to log thousands of hours watching Survivor.
In a statement on Tuesday, the Grand Orange Lodge said: "In keeping with the high ideals of the Orange Institution all members and supporters of the institution should use the eleventh of July to prepare for this event in a totally peaceful manner, " it said.
Obama was pressed at the meeting about why he didn't use tougher rhetoric regarding Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is for peaceful purposes but the United States and other allies believe is intended for building a weapon.
And so the President would surely reiterate the principles that he has consistently articulated on the need for a peaceful resolution, for a diplomatic process that is collaborative and consensual, on the rejection of threats or use of force or the use of coercion, the importance of freedom of navigation, and of course on the unimpeded lawful conduct.