She died "peacefully" after suffering a stroke while staying at the Ritz hotel in central London.
"The disagreements we have with your government we wish to resolve peacefully, " Blair said.
Thus the year ended peacefully, and B was ready to begin his true work.
The Parades Commission said it was pleased the parade and residents' protest had passed off peacefully.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Parade passes off peacefully
In Havana three years ago, you reaffirmed that all disputes should be settled peacefully.
But such snatches are a form of traditional tribal bargaining, and tend to end peacefully.
ECONOMIST: The big surprise is that this was a real live election
"He could have Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman peacefully coexist on the same team, " Laman said.
When men and women peacefully claim their human rights, our own common humanity is enhanced.
But they're hoping this will end soon and they will return to live peacefully together.
France is committed to upholding the right of all people to demonstrate peacefully, he said.
Several hours later the second inmate surrendered peacefully after being tracked down by police.
But in fact compromise is often the only way to resolve any issue peacefully.
Zuckerberg can rest peacefully knowing he won't have to worry about paying taxes again.
"We're still in dialogue with the protesters and asking them to move peacefully, " he said.
The van full of released Shiite prisoners drove away peacefully back to its village.
At the moment, all sides say they are committed to solving the stand-off peacefully.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | One year on: Lebanon political paralysis
Iraq, meantime, pledged to make "all serious and legitimate" efforts to peacefully resolve the crisis.
And, as always, we encourage all parties to work together to resolve the situation peacefully.
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement must be fully implemented and outstanding disputes must be resolved peacefully.
"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully, " he said of dam-generated electrical power.
CNN: In debate preview, candidates outline competing energy policies
Yet it has always insisted, rightly, that the two should settle their differences peacefully.
The first tournament fixture to be played in Cabinda passed off peacefully on Monday.
The Mount Elizabeth hospital in Singapore said the woman "passed away peacefully" early on Saturday.
The US supports a two-state solution, with Israel existing peacefully alongside a Palestinian state.
At the same time, those protesting in the streets have a responsibility to express themselves peacefully.
But if Mr Mugabe goes peacefully, there will be a surge of international goodwill and aid.
Since democracy returned in 1982, power has passed peacefully from one elected government to the next.
These two lefty wishes--greater economic equality and value-free multiculturalism--may live together peacefully in college political science departments.
South Korea's great achievement in the past decade has been to begin to shed this legacy, peacefully.
In a statement, their family said the couple "died peacefully, and under circumstances of their own choosing".