On the other hand, a peculiarly British set of conditions may be at work.
Both paint Farnsworth as an extreme example of that peculiarly American species, the lone inventor.
In fact, even the customary vagaries of the British summer have this year been peculiarly disorienting.
ECONOMIST: Britain��s long, hot-and-cold summer of uncertainty
Still others maintained that the problem was peculiarly Norwegian, a combination of inept policing and misguided pacifism.
Addiction, in other words, is a peculiarly modern condition, the loss of both personal and social control.
The writer and director Bobcat Goldthwait turns an almost unredeemably ribald comedy into a peculiarly moving drama.
Old prisons, dating from the Victorian era, often with staff attitudes to match, are peculiarly resistant to reform.
Le Pigeon is a peculiarly Portlandesque take on a great restaurant: It's crowded and loud and fiercely democratic, i.e.
WSJ: Sipping in the Rain: A Portland Wine Tour | On Wine by Lettie Teague
Bowman himself stands in a peculiarly poor position to assert such a claim.
That is true, although this has sometimes happened in a peculiarly perverse way.
But there was another that was peculiarly valuable to this iconoclastic magazine: irreverence.
Although he is only nineteen, he has a peculiarly large-featured, fully adult face, and vaguely resembles Sacha Baron Cohen.
Fitzgerald's story is a pregnant philosophical conceit, like a peculiarly refined "Twilight Zone" episode, set among Baltimore's 19th-century gentry.
For he is a peculiarly potent new symbol of an ancient cultural battle.
What about the peculiarly named Vicus Papissa, or Road of the Lady Pope, a medieval alleyway shunned by papal processions?
"It was about the 45-minute claim -- that was very much an argument that appealed peculiarly to the British, " he said.
M. records offer a peculiarly intimate view of his first few hours with Ravi, after both sets of parents had left.
Peculiarly, retired Law Lords, Lord Chancellors and senior judges, in addition to the current Lord Chancellor, can also sit on cases.
This argument can be paired with the idea that, in the modern world, the nation state is peculiarly wrong-sized for government.
' It is a peculiarly British disease which we aim to eradicate.
And a cyclist at Cambridge University's bicycle club described Mr Williams as "a shy chap" with a "peculiarly memorable laugh and smile".
He can use his turn to put the coin into the peculiarly quantum state of being both heads and tails at once.
The related, and peculiarly British, appetite for nit-picking also reared its head with Lynne Truss's bad grammar diatribe Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
And French leaders seem peculiarly susceptible just now to infantile anti-market posturing.
In this peculiarly smart yet inert comic drama, the Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos employs good actors to display the virtues of bad acting.
Unless contrary arguments are peculiarly persuasive, the new road of trust he hopes to build will have to go by way of Wye.
Together they symbolize a peculiarly American version of a Shakespearian tragedy.
It is a time when the malaria parasite is peculiarly vulnerable.
Yet her diffidence and down-to-earthness was peculiarly suited to her country.
But architecture tells only half the story in this place where so many peculiarly Spanish passions - bullfighting, fiestas and flamenco - find their most vivid expression.