• But Mr Bo has a high profile, charisma and popularity (especially in Chongqing) as well as family pedigree (his father was a notable revolutionary) and powerful allies.

    ECONOMIST: Shattering the fa?ade

  • This horse has a sterling pedigree (sired by Malibu Moon with a mare sired by Unbridled), a Hall of Fame trainer (Shug McGaughey) and the hottest jockey in the country (Joel Rosario).

    WSJ: Kentucky Derby: Identifying the Derby's Surest Losers

  • This horse has a sterling pedigree (sired by Malibu Moon with a mare out of Unbridled), a Hall of Fame trainer (Shug McGaughey) and the hottest jockey in the country (Joel Rosario).

    WSJ: Kentucky Derby: Identifying the Derby's Surest Losers

  • Marketing chief John Anton hopes that 4 million people will view Pedigree's Web videos and download an iPhone application called "Shake and Bark, " which will let users put a photo of their dog (complete with Pedigree logo) on their iPhone.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This one, an MT4 (chassis no. 1169) with a rather amazing racing pedigree, was made to compete in the 1955 Le Mans race but wasn't finished in time.

    FORBES: Vehicles Feature

  • An artsy, thirtyish New Yorker, Nora Wilder (Parker Posey), whose name hints at a Hollywood pedigree, is stuck in a dull job and searching for love with a growing desperation.

    NEWYORKER: Broken English

  • With his pedigree and the nature of his work (a large part of which involves insulting people) I was prepared for a difficult interview.

    FORBES: Behind the Scenes at World Domination II, Part One

  • In Kaufman, the taxpayer (Kaufman) was a graduate of MIT and Harvard who, quite predictably given his educational pedigree, retired in 1980 at the age of 46.

    FORBES: Connect

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