But as a rare, true three-shot par-five, it can easily peel off the weak of heart.
Due to the heat and sweat, layers of our skin would peel off our feet.
To gain traction, uphill skiers stretch snow-gripping "skins" over their skis, which they peel off before descending.
Ms. GREENBERG: When you have five people running, any number that you peel off can make the difference.
And unlike midthigh briefs, a shaper slip isn't so cumbersome to peel off at the end of the evening.
Tried to peel off its spines and barbecue it over the last briquette.
Students move between classes, sit on the steps with their computers or lunches, and peel off to adjacent study lounges.
The organizer is going to peel off a nice piece of your rent checks for his work running the building. 3.
P. caucus in the Senate, that threat alone, if carried out again, would make it difficult to peel off Republican votes.
As you would cut the peel off an apple in a single spiral, so, too, do you cut the olive from the pit.
If Ms. Quinn and others are able to peel off enough of those voters, Mr. Thompson will have a hard time winning the primary.
On the occasions the column did stop, we would quickly peel off our rubber boots, desert boots and socks to let our feet air out.
Can it compete with the far fatter Verizon, which is able to peel off the cash from its wallet to take these attractive targets for itself?
FORBES: Yo, Dogg! Leap And MetroPCS Look Phat Fo' Shizzle With Sprint Or Verizon
So as McCain fights to hold on to states President Bush won in 2004, he needs to peel off states that currently appear to clearly be in Obama's column.
Transfer the cake pans to a rack and cool for about 5 minutes, then run a knife around the sides of the cakes, unmold them and peel off the paper liners.
And so, in due course, the alien craft arrive: tetchy pilotless drones in the shape of pizzas, from which individual slices peel off to launch spicy, deep-crust attacks on defenseless mortals.
Once kids graduate from college, it's time to collectively peel off the bumper stickers and remind ourselves the ultimate goal as parents is to stop trying to vaccinate our children against every conceivable catastrophe.
You may be tempted to layer up the clothing to avoid having to check a suitcase, but you'll pay for that frugality at the checkpoint if TSA makes you peel off extra sweaters, shirts, pants and jackets.
Outside the front gate, a man in a red PRI baseball hat worked to peel off a massive sticker promoting the PAN that was stuck on the back of one of the buses in the parking lot.
In one of such sessions, together with his doctoral student Konstantin Novoselov, he used a piece of ordinary sticky tape (which allegedly they found in a bin) to peel off a very thin layer of graphite, taken from a pencil.
Peel off into the mountains for the steep and well-fortified ruins of Termessos, a city founded by indigenous Anatolians, or continue along the coast to the rocky, brilliant blue beach of Olympos, complete with its own ruins that date back to the Lycians.
But Dr Bruel found that if a hydrogen-treated wafer is first fused to another wafer that has been given a glass coating, the force of the gas bubbles will instead cause a thin silicon film to peel off the one and on to the other.
If the twit label sticks, then nothing he does will peel it off again.
Ms. CROSSLEY: But let me just say that I think that where they're trying to peel it off, if we can follow up with Roland, is around the faith-based issues.
Peel the foil off just before cooking, scrunch it into a ball (it cools fast), and use it later to scrape any residue or ash from the bars.
Jones and half-back partner Dwayne Peel start against the Azzurri after impressing off the bench in the 30-15 win over Scotland, with Hook and Mike Phillips taking their places among the replacements.