He has nightmares, too, about pelting, filthy storms and attacks by strangers on him and his family.
Hard, pelting rain that seems to want to do everything it can to get into our vehicle.
There is no verdict from the van drivers whose windows are wound up against the pelting rain.
Some days, players spend a combined 200 million minutes pelting pigs with their iPhones, iPads, Android phones and PCs.
The life boats were designed to hold 25 people and had canopies for shelter against pelting rain and winds.
He has dreams, too, nightmares about filthy pelting storms and attacks by mysterious strangers on him and his family.
Then, at about the moment I see the curtain of fog and rain around the next turn, the drops begin pelting the windshield.
In fact, while I was standing around pelting Sorger with questions a box of parts from electronic component supplier Digikey was delivered.
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Hours after a peaceful march concluded in Seattle, several dozen protesters, some covering their faces with bandanas, began pelting police with rocks and bottles.
Angry crowds are reported to have gathered in the area immediately following the blast, pelting police and initially refusing to let them and rescue workers reach the scene of the blast.
Lone Star fans reacted by pelting the pitch with a further and larger flurry of missiles, whereupon the referee stopped the game for security reasons, only re-starting play nearly half an hour later.
Greeted everywhere by flower-pelting citizens, addressing a crowd of more than a million in the New Delhi Fairground, touring the sacred Taj Mahal, General Eisenhower added luster to his legacy in the twilight of his presidency.
One of the reasons why Plakias and other southern getaways have remained relatively immune from mass tourism is the terrific summer wind that roars through everything, pelting beach-goers with sand and whipping up whitecaps on the sea.