Why penalise claimants who have no alternative but to live in accommodation with a spare bedroom?
BBC: PCC Stephen Bett fears welfare changes will cause crime
Because defending benefits that trap people in poverty and penalise work is defending the indefensible.
She ignored a rule that required her to penalise Adelman for a slapdash presentation when bidding.
Give skilful executives (not the lucky ones) good rewards, but penalise them heavily for bad decisions.
We will penalise you by defaulting on your debts but not on debts to official creditors.
But when he also tried to penalise over-prescription, the doctors defeated him with a series of strikes.
But Sporting were incensed that the referee failed to penalise Cahill for impeding Patricio as they jumped together.
He also said he wanted press regulation that had "real teeth" to penalise those who broke the rules.
Referee Wayne Barnes' controversial decision to penalise Ulster for a collapsed scrum gifted three more points to Beauxis.
"If you want to downsize and the property is not there... it's unfair to penalise them, " Ms Webb added.
"We had a great start to the season but the success has now begun to penalise us, " said Saint-Andre.
According to a strict application of the rules, the stewards at Spa had no choice but to penalise Hamilton.
The leaders of Newcastle, Liverpool and Sheffield councils believe the cuts unfairly penalise northern England relative to the South.
One reservation is that the contract will penalise the department heavily if its need for office space falls dramatically.
She said the policy would penalise responsible drinkers, the whisky industry, cost jobs and would be questionable under EU law.
Montoya left the circuit, fuming about the decision of the stewards to penalise him for causing a collision with Rubens Barrichello.
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Of 353 councils in England and Wales only six penalise war pensioners in the way that Harrow is planning to do.
Both Labour and the Tories would use the payments system of the internal market to reward quality and penalise poor care.
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"We are not here just to penalise the offenders but also to create an awareness to keep the city clean, " he said.
You would have to penalise savers for failing to hold government debt.
But changes to housing benefit will penalise people with a "spare bed".
Many in Germany argue that eurobonds would penalise countries with a high credit rating, and reduce the incentive of indebted governments to reform.
To make this economic pivot requires political choices that will penalise powerful interests at a time of rising expectations among increasingly connected urbanites.
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Chris Ringwood, who has been involved in patient representation for more than 10 years, said more needed to be done to penalise spurious callers.
It makes no sense to penalise a rural motorist driving along empty country roads when the problem lies in cities and on congested motorways.
However, the DUP deputy leader said that he did not think it was fair and reasonable to penalise cancer patients, the disabled or children.
Critics of performance-related pay have suggested that such a system would penalise those teachers who teach low-ability pupils and pupils who suffer from multiple disadvantage.
The Home Office said closing down networks would be disproportionate and potentially ineffective - since it would penalise businesses and people NOT engaged in crime.
Reports suggest that Commissioners decided some time ago to penalise the companies and were merely deliberating over the scale of fines appropriate in the case.
Most big European countries have additional schemes to penalise big CO2 emitters and to boost renewables, which is why wind farms are sprouting all over Europe.