The fact that somebody like Usmani could penetrate HSBC and Dow Jones and only through public humiliation get kicked off of those boards and then, of course, replaced by his son has got to be, you know, one of the most cynical moves by a financial institution that I can ever recall.
Unlike visible light, which cannot penetrate thick smoke and flames, the IR rays pass through largely unhindered.
ENGADGET: Infrared holography lets rescuers see people through walls, fire, walls of fire (video)
When we think of cybersecurity threats, most often we imagine a smelly and unshaven super-genius, holed up in a ramshackle studio apartment in a dodgy urban area, working through a high-speed Internet connection to penetrate the defenses of surrounding servers.
FORBES: Magazine Article
In October every year, the first rays of the rising sun reach across the Nile, penetrate the temple and move along the hypostyle hall, through the vestibule and into the sanctuary, where they illuminate the somewhat mutilated figures of Ra-Horakhty, Ramses II and Amun.
BBC: Abu Simbel: The great temple of Egypt