Non-food causes include wasp or bee stings, rubber, penicillin and other drugs or injections.
Remember Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin, probably the most important medical breakthrough this century?
Taking penicillin helps her immune system and she has found out she is now pre-diabetic.
Thompson emphasized that other drugs, including penicillin, could be used to treat the disease.
Then penicillin came out, and my god, think how many lives were saved by penicillin.
Nanotechnology will have a far greater impact on society and medicine by an order of magnitude than penicillin.
The Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum has a reconstruction of Fleming's lab where he discovered penicillin in 1928.
Mortality plummeted with the advent of sewers, protected water supplies, vaccines and penicillin.
Even when it was known that penicillin could cure the disease, the men in the study didn't get it.
Penicillin is now useless against one-third of all Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common cause of pneumonia, meningitis and ear infections.
One way bacteria resist penicillin is by producing enzymes to break it down.
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The Rockefeller Foundation's bet on dwarf wheat and penicillin ensured that billions of people were fed and kept healthy.
Now, many medical professionals, who have extensively studied the bacterium, are saying that penicillin and tetracycline are effective against anthrax.
Imagine going to a Walgreen to fill an emergency prescription for penicillin and being told that the pharmacy won't fill it.
By analogy the discovery that penicillin beats syphilis seems to have led to a very large change in sexual practices.
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The reasoning: If bacteria become resistant to current antibiotics, then bacterial infections will be as deadly as they were before the advent of penicillin.
Some parents are incensed that doctors are willing to prescribe psychotropic drugs to their young children but not 10 days of penicillin.
In the West, it was Alexander Fleming's antibiotic which won the day: penicillin was effective and widely available thanks to synthetic production.
For instance, shortly after joining the WTO Beijing decided to target antibiotics as a growth sector and invested vast sums in building penicillin fermenters.
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What he has done has been akin to someone taking their ten-day supply of penicillin for only five days because they started to feel better.
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If those tests are successful, though, then DRACO may well be as revolutionary for the treatment of viral infections as penicillin was for bacterial infections.
Yet growing bacterial resistance to existing drugs and novel microbial threats make the urgency which drove the original development of penicillin as vital as ever.
Penicillin and Cipro are the antibiotics used to treat the disease.
Together, the findings supported the notion that the discovery of penicillin decreased the cost of syphilis and thereby played an important role in shaping modern sexuality.
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Their idea was that they would sow spores of penicillin-producing fungus in their clothes, and then carry their work literally on their backs to safer shores.
Some bacteria had already become resistant to penicillin by the mid-1940s, but it wasn't a big problem because so many new antibiotics were emerging from the lab.
In the early 1960s a penicillin sibling was introduced, methicillin.
Is your child allergic to any medication, such as penicillin?
Yeah, sure, none of them discovered penicillin or cured polio.
The next year, penicillin became an effective treatment for syphilis.