Pennsylvania Station, a gateway to the nation's biggest city, was designed to accommodate about 200, 000 riders a day.
The backstory begins in 1964, when, in an incomprehensible act of civic vandalism, Pennsylvania Station was torn down.
At New York's Pennsylvania Station, hundreds of travelers headed out of town Tuesday night hoping to beat the rush.
In New York, City "operation Atlas" has deployed armed police at key locations like the Stock Market and Pennsylvania Station.
He led the march against the destruction of Pennsylvania Station and was quick to lend his prestige to any worthy architectural cause.
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The primary focus of enforcement will be Pennsylvania Station, where additional MTA police will be positioned to interdict passengers trying to board with alcohol.
Evening commuters passed through Pennsylvania Station under the watch of officers with bomb-sniffing dogs, a show of force that offered comfort to some commuters.
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In Manhattan he is one of three developers vying to build a grandiose office tower above New York's new Pennsylvania Station, now the Farley Post Office.
The arena itself is small, but included in the final cost of construction was Pennsylvania Station (beneath the arena), one of North America's busiest transportation hubs.
It will accommodate Long Island Rail Road trains that now bypass Manhattan's East Side as they roll east through Queens and straight to Pennsylvania Station on the island's West Side.
The Spanish neoclassical structure was built in 1930 by the American architectural firm of McKim, Mead and White, which also built New York's original Pennsylvania Station and the Breakers in Newport, Rhode Island.
Arriving in New York as the skyscrapers were going up and the excavation of two city blocks for Pennsylvania Station began, Bellows thrilled to the dynamism and enormous scale of these undertakings his seven paintings of the making of Penn Station show him engaging with landscape, the dramatic lighting effects of working at night, and handling crowds.
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