• More recently, the number of people of pensionable age who are at work has also risen.

    ECONOMIST: Labour market

  • In America, for example, the normal pensionable age, fixed at 65 in 1935, is due to rise to 67.

    ECONOMIST: Snares and delusions | The

  • Raising the pensionable age would therefore let the government take Lord Turner's second step: making the state pension more generous.

    ECONOMIST: Pensions

  • Italy's unique years-in-work system of calculating pensionable age is to be phased out, and the statutory retirement age will be pushed back.

    ECONOMIST: Italy��s budget: Saving Italy | The

  • Mr Ellis added that about 21 staff were currently nearing 30 years' pensionable service and that recruitment for 30 new officers had begun.

    BBC: Matthew Ellis

  • For example, 19% of the region's population is over pensionable age, and poverty among pensioners in this region is the second highest in England.

    BBC: Council housing

  • There are even suggestions of raising the pensionable age to 67.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s age-old problem

  • As such, it attracts a significant number of retirees: nearly a third of the population is of pensionable age, ranking the constituency 6th in England and Wales.


  • It was the lifting of the pensionable age and complicated changes to the way that pension entitlements are earned that was at the centre of the industrial dispute.

    BBC: Civil service pensions 'still gold plated'

  • In 1968 over one third of the total adult population of the UK had no natural teeth, and only a small number of people of pensionable age had any teeth at all.

    BBC: Dentists warn over ageing teeth

  • But a survey carried out in 1998 showed that only 13% of adults had no natural teeth - and over half those of pensionable age retained at least some of their natural teeth.

    BBC: Dentists warn over ageing teeth

  • From 2009, the plan is that these staff contributions will range from a minimum of 4%, to 7% and above, while BT will contribute from 6% to 9% of pensionable salaries by 2010.

    BBC: BT cuts final salary pension link

  • More to the point, if a company tries to wind up, or stop paying into, its pension fund, it may have to buy annuities for its pensionable workers, which will prove an expensive escape.

    ECONOMIST: Company pension funds are being saved from destruction

  • The BBC suggests imposing a cap on the amount pensionable salaries of existing members can grow by to 1% a year - something that could lead to a huge drop in any future pension.

    BBC: Pension cuts proposed for university staff

  • Given that the combined impact of the employer contributions and the tax relief is to double your money (you pay in 4%, you get 8% of your pensionable earnings put into your pot), you will struggle to match this deal anywhere else.

    BBC: Investment choices after pension auto-enrolment

  • Management at the ROH now expect that the deficit will be eradicated during the coming years as staff will be paying in more, increases to their pensionable salaries will be capped at 3% a year, and increases to pensions in payment will also be capped.

    BBC: Pension change for Royal Opera

  • But charters also need to attract one class of candidates who are likely to be very keen on defined-benefit pensions: teachers who have already accrued years of pensionable service in public schools, and who want to keep accruing service so they can reach that rich third decade.

    FORBES: Charter Schools, Pensions and Golden Handcuffs

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