The Borders pensioner had admitted committing the offence in her home on Monday afternoon.
The man accused of murdering a Perthshire pensioner has had three other charges against him dropped.
This approach would see the Department for International Development, education and pensioner benefits all cut.
To get so-called "top of the waiting list" status you have to be a war pensioner.
"Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping, " the statement said.
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An elderly pensioner, Raisa survives on a meagre state pension and by growing her own vegetables.
The pensioner developed a severe depressive illness in the weeks before the tragedy, the court heard.
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The pensioner later had to have a leg amputated and died on 12 February.
John Home Robertson (Labour) asked the first minister how the Scottish Executive is addressing pensioner poverty.
Mr Osborne said it would simplify allowances and no pensioner would lose out "in cash terms".
The man responsible was seen running off towards Wallace Street, after grabbing the pensioner's walking stick.
He has been assembling a low-maintenance equity portfolio that any prospective pensioner would envy.
Would the average pensioner whose savings were contributing to the bankers' bonanza be happy with that ratio?
Claire Keatinge, the Commissioner for Older People, has been described by the pensioner as "a wonderful woman".
During an interview the pensioner said she thought she had left the tablets out of the child's reach.
Altogether, state benefits account for about 60% of pensioner income, with the remaining 40% coming from private provision.
The court heard the frail pensioner had stayed up until 0400 BST hiding the animals in adjacent fields.
Such a package would mean that the Tories, in particular, had to jettison pledges, notably over pensioner freebies.
In particular, they are investigating if the suspect took a bus to Callander, where another pensioner was attacked.
It decreed that if a pensioner died, benefits would continue to be paid to the widow and dependents.
The pensioner is being treated at the Southern General Hospital where her condition has been described as "very serious".
Prosecuting, John Wyn-Williams, said the frail pensioner had stayed up until 0400 BST hiding the animals in adjacent fields.
The number of working pensioner men has risen 12%, therefore faster than women.
The pensioner's body was found at 10:45 GMT on the Sunday, two days after she was last seen alive.
Pensioner Doris Evans, from Pwll Trap in Carmarthenshire, has been attending computer classes run by the charity Age Cymru.
It happened as the pensioner's car was finally brought to a halt at junction 5, near Droitwich in Worcestershire.
The number of workers in Europe supporting each pensioner is expected to shrink dramatically over the next 30-40 years.
On one United Nations estimate, to keep today's worker-pensioner ratio stable till 2050, France would have to import 1.8m people a year.
Whatever their motivation, psephologist Professor Paul Whiteley set out some of the hard demographic realities of the pensioner vote.
Coroner David Scott Morris recorded the cause of the pensioner's death as asphyxiation and injuries due to "compression by tree".