All these conditions left the expelled in a state of abject penury after weeks of suffering.
Having emerged from war and penury to become peaceful, stable and increasingly prosperous, Vietnam sets an example for others.
Lower tax rates, free trade and more stable currencies moved something like 2 billion people out of dollar-a-day penury into prosperity.
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According to the Census Bureau, more than 20 million of us would live in penury if not for the program.
Is penury a genuine prospect facing any of the continent's incumbents?
The result of competing businesses, presumably, will be penury all round.
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She and her colleagues evaluated a programme in the Indian state of West Bengal, where Bandhan, an Indian microfinance institution, worked with people who lived in extreme penury.
In part, that was because the Republicans who were out to besmirch John Kerry were so good at it that they more than compensated for their relative penury.
As other countries struggle with fiscal penury and the need to find new sources of growth, the government's approach to Silicon Roundabout could become a model to emulate.
The U.S. government is not alone in its penury.
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Meanwhile, foreign banks operating in Cyprus will probably head for the hills, knowing that an economy already in recession will probably now contract at a rate of knots - causing penury to many.
Italian governments have tinkered with the pensions system on three occasions, but have shrunk from the drastic overhaul that is needed to save Italy's greying population from old-age penury in the generation ahead.
If certain derivative trades are as risky as those who seek more regulation suggest, and if a poor trade threatens one or both parties with penury, isn't the possibility of failure all the regulation that is needed?
But in its brutal structure of white power and black penury, apartheid also contained visceral drama, stories of humanity willing and waiting to break out in a demotic exuberance which in his township work Mr Fugard caught so well.
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It's weird to be an economics journalist reporting this: because I am coming to the conclusion that this is the next phase of the economic story - penury at the edge of Europe eating away at both social cohesion and the resilience of the financial system.