Diflucan, an antifungal medicine, is used to treat infections that commonly strike people infected with HIV.
Women now represent the majority of people infected with HIV, accounting for up to 2m new infections each year.
The report also indicates that with 5.3 million people infected with HIV, South Africa still has the highest rate in the world.
Ensuring that people infected with HIV enter into treatment and care is critical to help stop the spread of HIV in the United States.
Still, the number of people infected with HIV continues to rise.
But the word "cure" and the hope it brings have remained in the minds of many, leading to countless questions from many of the more than 30 million people infected with HIV world-wide, as well as friends, families and care providers.
Worldwide, 33 million people are infected with HIV and last year, AIDS claimed some 2 million lives.
Even without the contraceptive bonus, VivaGel would be attractive to large potential markets such as the 38.6 million people worldwide infected with HIV or the one out of every five Americans that has genital herpes.
This increases the vulnerability of everyone to HIV infection, since people infected with and affected by HIV avoid contacting health and social services for a diagnosis, for information, education or counselling.
This information may influence the treatment of people living with HIV who are co-infected with TB.
There are currently 33, 200 people in the UK infected with HIV - a third of whom are unaware they have the virus.
Since then, more than 60 people around the globe have been infected with HIV and more than 20 million have died, according to the World Health Organization.
With 5.5 million HIV-infected people just in South Africa, the market is potentially huge.
Speaking in a continent where more than 20m people have died from AIDS and another 22.5m are infected with HIV, his statement sounded otherworldly at best, and crass and uncaring at worst.
Some 20 million to 25 million people have died of Aids and at least 40 million more are infected with HIV, with sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean having particularly high rates of infection.
"We estimate that roughly half of all people living with HIV either don't know that they are infected, or they are not in care, or both, " said Dr Harold Jaffe, an acting director of the National Center for HIV at the CDC.
It turns out that most infected people do produce these antibodies, but HIV distracts the immune system into crowding them out with all the subsequent iterations they convince the body to make against the mutating virus.
It is believed around 30, 000 people are living with HIV in the UK - 10, 000 of whom are unaware they are infected.
Currently half of people living with HIV in the UK are diagnosed late - indicating that they are likely to have been infected for five years.