He will say people need to learn "the importance of honesty, respect for other people's possessions, and the dangers of seeing money and things as being all that matters".
Njurinceke aims at preserving the cultural integrity of the Meru people and making the people live with dignity and respect for one another.
Ireland's Minister for Justice Alan Shatter said people had respect for those working in the Irish police force.
It is, of course, a respect for other people as well as a form of self-respect.
WSJ: Annette Tapert on Nan Kempner, Josephine Premice and More: Always Dress to Impress
This concern for people, and the underlying respect for human dignity, showed itself in other ways.
But it also taught me humility and respect for people in such jobs.
I've got a huge amount of respect for people like Martin Johnson, Lawrence Dallaglio, Neil Back and Matt Dawson who have captained the side and done it so well.
But we need to show respect for people who have taken the choice to support this party and we are going to work really hard to win them back.
BBC: David Cameron pledges 'to work hard to win back' voters
And the President believed that it was in the best interests of their safety to make it clear that an apology was appropriate, and that the American people and the American military in particular does have respect for the religious views and the religious practices of the Afghan people.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Does leadership truly have a respect for the people who work in the organization.
Respect for disabled people and celebrating what disabled people can do, and inclusion, isn't just for the Paralympics.
Ms Marks has made 12 recommendations to improve dignity and respect for older people in hospitals in Wales.
It has been a source of distress to me and caused me to lose respect for such people.
Because everywhere I go now people respect me for doing what I've done'.
And they respect other people and organizations for speaking it.
According to Mr Mogra, these include - respect for other people and the rule of law, freedom of expression and religious practice, participation in the democratic system and valuing education.
Mostly importantly, and this is our key learning from 2009, no matter what we have to communicate, we are committed to doing it with transparency, openness and respect for the people impacted by the change.
Launched in January 2012, the UNESCO-USA-Brazil project Teaching Respect for All aims to promote educational responses to counter discrimination and violence through strengthening the foundations of mutual tolerance, and cultivating respect for all people, regardless of colour, gender or national, ethnic or religious identity.
" Honda is quoted saying "CAIR's commitment to social justice and civil rights for all Americans will help our country to ensure that respect and tolerance exists for people of all religions and ethnicities.
You have to have some respect for the other people in the game, especially the head coach.
Kennedy himself, Lord writes, had a healthy respect for the American people and for his vice president.
This makes people respect each other for the work that they do, not the title associated with their positions.
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People will develop respect for your unwavering focus and ability to get a mountain accomplished with a molehill of resources.
FORBES: 5 Tips To Take Charge Of Your Career Learned From Startups
If anyone here truly believes our health insurance system is working well for people, I respect your right to say so, but I just don't agree.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
His enduring commitment to and respect for the Sherpa people reflects the best of what we as New Zealanders can contribute, from our small developed nation helping another less privileged one.
Morsi's theme in his recent appearances has been one of respect for democracy and the people.
We've also noticed that people generally have no respect for waiting in line, much like in Europe.
"I have a lot of respect and love for your people, " he said.