Hitachi and Matsushita, another big consumer-electronics firm, are proposing to end automatic seniority-based pay increases after workers reach a certain age, and to shift to performance-based pay structures instead.
ECONOMIST: Deflation is transforming Japan's annual pay rituals
We agreed to other providers in general practice and the other one was performance-related pay.
Performance-related pay (PRP) will have a "catastrophic effect" on teacher recruitment and retention, the ATL says.
Performance-based pay drives a culture of success with educators in charter schools, creating excellence among educators.
Performance-related pay has been another example of Japanese firms' experimentation with American ways of doing things.
Along with performance-related pay has come a greater emphasis on meritocratic rather than seniority-based promotion.
The government will certainly have to be vigilant that performance-related pay schemes do not lead to such abuses.
Those who survive are paid to perform: even in America, Tyco's performance-related pay schemes have a reputation for generosity.
Two teaching unions are joining forces to call for the government to extend the application deadline for performance-related pay.
It said it was not proposing to introduce performance-related pay, regional pay or to take outside earnings into account.
Some companies that used heavy doses of performance-based pay to compensate their chief executives have also been involved in accounting scandals.
Performance-related pay is widespread in private firms, where managers regard it as an effective way to motivate staff and raise productivity.
The ministry is drafting legislation for performance-related pay, and to let it move bad teachers to different jobs in the public sector.
If the incentive effects of performance-related pay for ordinary folk are unproven, the effect of stock options is even harder to demonstrate.
The introduction of performance-related pay for teachers is part of this trend.
Chief Executive Pedro Pablo Cuevas has introduced performance-based pay to motivate employees, as well as new technology for the chain's data management systems.
There's a loophole in the law for performance-based pay (like options), but the law still stands as a stark statement about pay equity.
Therefore performance-related pay is not simply "payment by results", but effective teaching resulting in real progress by pupils, related to pupils' individual circumstances.
The Labour government's bid to introduce performance-related pay for teachers ended up with the supposed incentive turning into a hidden general pay rise.
His successor, Michael Howard, beat a humiliating retreat on performance-related pay after the police staged a mass 20, 000-strong protest rally at Wembley Stadium.
He said the evidence for performance-related pay was questionable anyway, but if there was to be an incentives scheme it should be much tougher.
This is a mix of performance-based pay and extra pay for working in jobs that are hard to fill and for taking leadership roles.
Critics of performance-related pay have suggested that such a system would penalise those teachers who teach low-ability pupils and pupils who suffer from multiple disadvantage.
Rather, he insists, they will transform the Japanese brokerage, though he declines to say whether he will bring in performance-based pay for everyone at Nomura.
Many firms now offer performance-based pay and other incentives, such as stock options, only to certain categories of worker, and keep the performance-related component small.
After all, directors represent shareholders, who naturally favor performance-based pay.
The retailer offered its employees a "competitive package" including performance-related pay, with permanent employees also offered benefits including healthcare and a personal pension plan, it added.
When Fujitsu, a Japanese computer giant, introduced a performance-based pay scheme during the 1990s, it proved so unpopular that the company had to scale it back.
And he said the new performance-related pay system for teachers at the top of the basic salary scale would make "a substantial difference" in the longer term.
Incorporated therein is piloting of performance-related pay and tenure systems.