We agreed to other providers in general practice and the other one was performance-related pay.
Performance-related pay (PRP) will have a "catastrophic effect" on teacher recruitment and retention, the ATL says.
Performance-related pay has been another example of Japanese firms' experimentation with American ways of doing things.
Along with performance-related pay has come a greater emphasis on meritocratic rather than seniority-based promotion.
The government will certainly have to be vigilant that performance-related pay schemes do not lead to such abuses.
Those who survive are paid to perform: even in America, Tyco's performance-related pay schemes have a reputation for generosity.
Two teaching unions are joining forces to call for the government to extend the application deadline for performance-related pay.
It said it was not proposing to introduce performance-related pay, regional pay or to take outside earnings into account.
Performance-related pay is widespread in private firms, where managers regard it as an effective way to motivate staff and raise productivity.
The ministry is drafting legislation for performance-related pay, and to let it move bad teachers to different jobs in the public sector.
If the incentive effects of performance-related pay for ordinary folk are unproven, the effect of stock options is even harder to demonstrate.
The introduction of performance-related pay for teachers is part of this trend.
Therefore performance-related pay is not simply "payment by results", but effective teaching resulting in real progress by pupils, related to pupils' individual circumstances.
The Labour government's bid to introduce performance-related pay for teachers ended up with the supposed incentive turning into a hidden general pay rise.
His successor, Michael Howard, beat a humiliating retreat on performance-related pay after the police staged a mass 20, 000-strong protest rally at Wembley Stadium.
He said the evidence for performance-related pay was questionable anyway, but if there was to be an incentives scheme it should be much tougher.
Critics of performance-related pay have suggested that such a system would penalise those teachers who teach low-ability pupils and pupils who suffer from multiple disadvantage.
The retailer offered its employees a "competitive package" including performance-related pay, with permanent employees also offered benefits including healthcare and a personal pension plan, it added.
And he said the new performance-related pay system for teachers at the top of the basic salary scale would make "a substantial difference" in the longer term.
Incorporated therein is piloting of performance-related pay and tenure systems.
It pointed out that two school districts in Brooklyn are experimenting with a performance-related pay pogramme, which gives rewards to teachers and principals in schools where test scores improve.
She also highlighted a report earlier this week which argued that the international evidence did not show any clear link between performance-related pay for teachers and pupils' test results.
The NAHT says that the government's plan to introduce an appraisal and performance-related pay in September 1999 is "unrealistic" and has called for the changes to be postponed until September 2000.
Their income has been lifted by a big increase in performance-related pay, which Chris Ham, professor of health policy at Birmingham University, says is much more generous than in other countries.
Members also voted down any form of performance-related pay.
Often, they are on performance-related pay schemes, schooling their staff in what colours and styles of clothing are in fashion and how to sift out treasures that might sell well at auction.
"Performance-related pay is increasingly discredited elsewhere as a means of motivating employees and there has never been any evidence that it motivates teachers or improves their performance, " said NUT general secretary, Christine Blower.
Therefore, I would say, out with the performance-related pay for top managers (a good bottle of wine at Christmas and, if you insist, a small cheque like the rest of us would do).
FORBES: What's Wrong With Senior Executive Pay? - Lots (In My View)
That aspect of the deal applies to the whole of the UK, as does the introduction of new incentives into the performance-related pay part of the GP pay package to tackle the growing problem of unnecessary hospital admissions.