The Bruins' poor power play finally produced when Seguin scored his 14th goal at 3:41 of the second period after Brad Boyes was penalized for delayof game.
According the Board, almost two-thirds of Americans between the ages of 45 and 60 are planning to delay their retirements past the traditional periodof exiting the workforce in their early to mid sixties, likely as a result of the continuing impact of the weak economic environment on their finances.
Under federal rules, individuals are required to enroll in Medicare when they turn 65, or pay a premium penalty of 10% for each 12-month period they delay.
Senator Jon Tester, Democrat of Montana, recently introduced a bill calling for a two-year delayof interchange fee regulation, and a one-year study in that periodof the effect of the proposed limits.
Mr Wilson said there could be no further delay on the provision of a centre, and that there had been an "unacceptably long period during which our top tourist attraction has been without a visitors' centre".