It is now enjoying one of its periodic revivals, this time by marketing itself as family entertainment.
The company's periodic reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission contain more detailed discussions of these and other risk factors that could cause actual results and plans to differ materially from those included in the forward-looking statements, and those discussions are incorporated herein by reference.
ENGADGET: New Kobo eReader gets wireless connection, faster processor, pretty colors
Elements 110, 111, and 112 on the Periodic Table of Elements were discovered some time ago, but their names in the Periodic Table of Elements have been the difficult to pronounce names Ununnilium, Unununium, and Ununbium.
When markets get choppy, reviewing the policy statement can remind investors that trying to time markets is a sucker's game, and that over time periodic rebalancing aside investors are better off leaving their portfolios alone.
WSJ: Investment-Policy Statements: Good Practice for Investors and Advisers
For example, senior officials say the State Department asked Twitter to refrain for going down for periodic scheduled maintenance at this crucial time to ensure that the site continues to operate.
CNN: Officials: Social networking providing crucial info from Iran
Other pluses: quick switching, a single periodic statement and easier accounting at tax time.
With the boom in global demand for alternative-fueled vehicles, now may be a good time to break out your Periodic Table of Elements from science class.
At the same time, the United States is indulging in one of its periodic bouts of unilateral disarmament.
"The first instinct of power is the retention of power, and under a Constitution that requires periodic elections, that is best achieved by the suppression of election-time speech, " Scalia wrote.
The real reason for the Clinton insistence on no American nuclear tests appears to be more straightforward: Without periodic, realistic underground tests, the U.S. arsenal will over time inevitably become unreliable.
Over recent years, European politicians also reacted only to periodic scary plunges in their stock and bond markets, taking belated and panicked actions each time to repeatedly kick the euro-zone debt crisis down the road.
Specifically, it is time to revisit whether the viability of the deterrent can be assured over the long-term without periodic safe, underground nuclear testing.
Everyone aboard is subjected to periodic blasts of spray, and the crew members who have to work on the leeward side spend half their time up to their waists in water.