The undocumented could immediately apply for a special protective status to avoid deportation, but it would take them about eight years to get legal permanent residency (a greencard) and another four or five years to become a U.S. citizen.
In the annual State Department green-card lottery that awards permanent-resident status to prospective immigrants via random drawing, New York's government is very proactive in seeking out new immigrants and becomes home for 12% of lottery winners.
Advocates are also concerned that the bill requires certain goals on border security to be met before anyone can get a greencard qualifying them for legal permanent residence and ultimately citizenship, and some say that the path to citizenship takes too long.
Marie came to the Hutchinson Center in 2002 as a medical fellow in 2002, worked on an H-1B visa, and was sponsored for her employment-based greencard by the center, becoming a permanent resident in 2008.