In February, Britain became the only permanent member of the council to back this compromise.
India's desires to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council should also play to Washington's advantage.
Standing next to Aznar in the White House, Bush also saluted Spain, a non-permanent member of the U.N.
But Russia, a veto-wielding permanent member of the council, said it was not the time to impose sanctions.
Brazil is trying to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
He's also the vice chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy.
China, which can wield a veto on the UN Security Council as a permanent member, is against imposing more sanctions.
But, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia wants some commercial guarantees for backing the US line.
And China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Counsel.
But like-minded countries say that this provision would politicise the court, giving every permanent member of the council a veto over its activities.
If Russia now backs tougher Security Council sanctions, China may be reluctant to be the only permanent member of the council to block new measures.
As a permanent member of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, he has spent many hours using music to promote greater understanding between young Arabs and Israelis.
Security Council members -- gave the Iraqi proposal a cool reception but Russia, another permanent member of the Security Council, said the avenue should be explored.
"In reality, what's happening here is the United Kingdom is benefiting from its privileged position as a permanent member of the (U.N.) security council, " she said.
Security Council permanent member but also voted for this resolution.
ICSSPE, an active permanent member of CIGEPS, acts as the Secretariat of the Programme Committee and coordinates the work of the Organizing Committee on behalf of the German government.
If a supply teacher is employed for 12 weeks they are entitled - under Agency Worker Regulations - to the pay of a permanent member of staff doing the same job.
Both Russia and France - as two of the five permanent members of the Security Council - have the power to veto the US draft plan, as does permanent member China.
First, as a permanent member of the U.N.
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As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, it can veto threatening resolutions, as it did a year ago (just three days before it secured exploration rights to three more offshore blocks near Ramree).
China is the world's second-largest economy (by PPP) and still growing fast, with an increasing impact both regionally and globally. (Just think of the importance of Beijing's decision not to devalue the yuan following the 1997 financial crisis.) The country is a nuclear power and a permanent member of the U.N.
"We have absolutely no interest as a country to be competing against another African country for the prestige of sitting on the Security Council as a permanent member... and in the course of that you divide this continent and raise all sorts of tensions which take many many years to deal with" Mr Mbeki said.
In this day and age, when Britain sometimes struggles to justify its status as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council or as a "major player on the world stage", the medal table may prove to be a more accurate measure of international standing than the size, for example, of the GDP or the armed forces.
These interest and royalty payments shall be exempt from any taxes in that State provided that the beneficial owner of the payment is a company or permanent establishment in another Member State.
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They relate not to arguments about the possibility for "permanent structured cooperation" among member states (one of the provisions in the Lisbon Treaty), but to a lack of military hardware.
Now without a permanent chairman and missing a member, the commission has been in no hurry to draft a fiduciary rule, which it recommended under the Dodd-Frank financial reform law more than two years ago.
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Most Member States have established Permanent Delegations to UNESCO which, headed by Ambassadors, undertake liaison between the Organization and their governments.
The vice chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Burr is also a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
But Morsy spokesman Yasser Ali told the state-run Middle East News Agency that Egypt isn't a member of the ICC, the permanent U.N. war-crimes tribunal.