His recent works are even more harrowing, capturing the psychological violence permeating our own age.
Unless you enjoy the permeating aroma of chlorine in your room, avoid this location.
However, I am encouraged and excited by the vibrancy that is permeating throughout baseball.
"Computer science is permeating every industry and every field, and its importance will only grow, " said Wang.
Clearly, the culture of peace permeating throughout the region has allowed member states to focus on their respective national development agendas.
Mr. Varouxakis often hires someone to cook for parties and didn't want cooking smells permeating the rest of the space.
Systems of rational control are permeating the networks that define our everyday consumption of technology, whether by smart phones or smart cars.
One day he told me that one of his sales directors had called a few days earlier about rumors of impending layoffs that were permeating the company.
FORBES: CEOs, Egos and Logos: Overcoming the Sudden Squalls of Leadership
To us it looks like a new generation of ecosystem, one that resonates more with the new, more open philosophy of ecosystems that is now permeating and transforming business.
Even as a country, we're so much more health-conscious, and that is also permeating this whole world of trying to help people who are poor and struggling with food.
Believe it or not, I have worked with young people, and have loved every minute, but I now hate this attitude that is permeating our society where parents condone their offspring's misbehaviour.
Such poetry aside, there was still a sense of doom permeating the industry, even if it wasn't directly linked to the devices that would eclipse more traditional reading vectors in the not-so-distant future.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
Despite the opposition of the Church due to the pagan elements of the procession, its successive bans did nothing to stop it spreading to the rest of the region and permeating every social class.
Arraycomm's approach allows the base station to constantly adapt the characteristics of the signal as the user moves around, keeping it focused, increasing spectrum efficiency and reducing interference from all the other signals permeating the air.
Cummings told CNN of a conversation he had with Sullivan on Wednesday -- before the departures of the initial three Secret Service agents were announced -- that explained the culture of pride permeating the Secret Service.
While the enterprise router market will benefit most directly from expanding budgets at large companies, a recent report from Infonetics Research suggest that improvement in IT spending is permeating the service provider market (including core and edge routers) as well.
Weak wage growth is permeating the labor market from virtually all sides: Nominal hourly wages are growing slower than before the recession, the real value of wages has fallen over the past year, new job creation is skewing to lower-paying jobs and wages for new and returning entrants in the workforce are declining.