Permission denied, he said, by Mexico City, because of Article 41, a provision of the Mexican constitution that forbids the diffusion of government propaganda during an election-campaign period.
What is more, it may well be wrong to assume that if planning permission is denied for offices and houses in the south, jobs will migrate up north.
Ingram's commanders had repeatedly requested permission to destroy the house and had repeatedly been denied permission.
Even when Lobo's mother became ill with cancer, he was denied permission to visit her.
However, when the convoy reached Baba Amr on 2 March, it was denied permission to enter.
However, permission was later denied when the victim's family withdrew their consent to being involved.
The same party was denied permission to rally Saturday outside a U.N. building, BNA reported.
But the donors cannot intervene without permission from the Angolan government, and this permission has been denied.
Austrian officials would have to take their government ledgers to Mr. Zimmerman to receive permission, frequently denied, to make payments.
WSJ: Brussels Beat: Parallels With 1920s Raise Worries Over Extremism
Conspiracy theories (bunk, probably) abound that the plane was running out of fuel and was denied permission to land in nearby Bagram airport, a U.S. base.
The report showed that of the 5 percent whose background checks take longer than 2 hours are 20 percent more likely to be denied permission to purchase a weapon, Schumer said.
He said that she had asked her mother for permission to cheer and was denied.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Florida Department of Law Enforcement earns an F
Hijazi had asked for permission to enter Syria, but his request was denied, Syrian officials told reporters.
Chelsea have denied breaching Premier League rules after formally requesting permission to speak to the 48-year-old.
An application he made in 2000 seeking permission to file an appeal even though the statute of limitations had passed was denied.
Last October 12, Denver trial judge Richard Matsch denied McVeigh's request for further review and gave him 60 days to seek permission to appeal.
The following day the ECB denied that any deal had been agreed, but last weekend confirmed that Gibson had been given permission to hold talks with the WICB.